GAA Season Ticket

Just got an email (my first) saying that there are only 7 days left till it goes up to €85. Will be €75 till then. The increase happened a lot later last year.

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Have not had a season ticket before but thinking of looking into it for next year. Are they administered from County Boards or Croke Park. Im assuming their good for both codes?

One ticket. One code.

Virtually impossible to have two season tickets as they games can often take place at separate venues on the same day. If you are from a county such as Cork that could potentially be involved in both All Ireland Finals, then you would need to be very clever in choosing your games.

You have to be able to clock up the mandatory 60% attendance to entitle you to an All Ireland ticket off both the football and hurling should Cork reach both finals.

The national league campaign for Limerick fans of either code is fairly uninspiring

The Hurling programme involves significantly less away travel this year. I think the Dublin game in the Spring Series with Dublin vs Tyrone in Football, and the Offaly game are the only two away games in the Hurling.

We got a nice little run of fixtures for once. Hopefully we make a good go of the league and get a few in for the home games and get a bit momentum going.

Got the season ticket for the hurling last year. They threw in a stand ticket for the Tipp game in Thurles too (open to correction but I think it was worth 25 quid) so basically it was 50 quid for 6 league games including the league final. If you are going to all the games that it fairly good value in fairness. I’ll probably renew again this year.

I missed the Clare championship game in Thurles as I had a stag that weekend (the one fucking big game we’ve won in Thurles for years and of course I had to miss it!) and I forgot to opt out - as you can do for one championship game - so I got stung for the price of a ticket even though I didn’t attend. Which was a bit of a dose.

You have to keep on top of them to make sure they are updating their records though. I was not listed as having attended a good few games until I looked into it and got it sorted.

I know of a Galway hurling fan who got a season ticket for last year (this is a genuine first hand story, not a friend of a friend, a lad told me down the pub tale). She missed two league games last year and went to all the championship games.

Obviously they got to the final and she was entitled to a ticket - or so she thought. She emailed them to find out what the craic was, where in the ground the ticket would be etc. (Bear in mind there was a bit of a ticket famine in Galway as they had not won it since '88 and all that). They emailed her back and said she was not eligible for a ticket as she had attended only 40% of the matches - (it was some low percentage like that anyway, which was a totally bullshit figure). She sent them numerous emails before eventually after much stress on her behalf they relented and she got one. (It was probably for a quiet life they gave in at the end).

I went to league games last year where the season ticket number was written down on a piece of paper as you entered and it was presumably dumped in the bin once the match started.

It is very important to keep checking the attendance record

Renewed there tonight, 75 quid before midnight tomorrow. 85 after that. 3 quid service charge thrown in too, the hungry fuckers.

It’s a pity they don’t have a dual code season ticket where for 100 or 120 quid you could have access to all league games for hurling and football and the first round of the championship for both codes too. I’ll be at as many of the football matches as I will for the hurling where I have the season ticket.

You’re right about checking the attendance record SLR, they said I was only at 6 of the 11 games between league and championship last year when I was actually at 8 of the 11. No surprise that the two qualifiers in the Gaelic Grounds against Laois and Antrim were marked as unattended. Typical Limerick County Board I’m guessing.

The Provincial Councils generally handle qualifiers in a province.

I am about to renew myself. Basically they have added a carrot whereby all previous perks are now guaranteed (as opposed to being subject to confirmation. Club Finals and League Semi Finals are now part of the package guaranteed) but now you can go to any league game in any division provided its the same code. Basically for my hurling ticket I can get into any hurling league game in any division. Thats handy for Saturday night games if Limerick are playing on the Sunday.

I have never been at the Club finals but with Limerick playing in Croke Park the same weekend, perhaps now is my chance.

Beginning to think this season ticket lark is more hassle than it’s worth

I see only the Dublin, Mayo & Armagh footballers are the only thre teams to sell their full allocation of these this season

I think they are the only ones that ever sell out… well Mayo and Dublin anyway.

Limerick fans will not have a season:joy:

Is it too late to buy one now?

Anyone have one are they worth it? Now that I’m based in Limerick I’ll probably take in 3-4 league games this season.

Season ticket arrived there today. Club+.

Getting giddy about the league now.

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Our season tickets arrived in the post today. Happy days!


The gaa aren’t refunding the season tickets. That’s very poor form.