Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

I think he won his first county title in 89. Clare won the all Ireland hurling final and lost the minor final in 97. This years Clare county final will be on the same date as 97 and 89.

It highlights the absurdity of the split season. It’s reduced the county championships to mini blitz’s.

And you have split season zealots like @Perez2017 just shrugging his shoulders at Brian Fenton.

Thanks to the split season the inter county players get no real off season. It’ll be either suffer from severe burn out or take the club season off.

TJ will be happy with what Niamh tells him to be happy with.


The off season for the majority of intercounty players is from mid June - early August.

I see that Inter County teams can now ‘officially’ go back training on November 24th so it will be a month or 6 weeks before that in reality.

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It’s some state of affairs when the off season is effectively the prime months of the year to be playing mid June to mid August. Maybe golf and tennis will catch on to the trail blazing path the GAA have shown here and not have any tennis grand slams or golf majors on during those months.

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The Clare county championship in Dalo’s time would have been straight knockout, so even more of a blitz than it is currently.

Standards at Inter County Level are going to continue to fall anyway with the majority of Inter county players out sunning themselves in Boston/Ibiza and Croatia in June/July.

Whether that’s a price worth paying is another thing but you wont ever see standards in hurling or football like the 2010’s again.

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If you didn’t try so hard you’d be a far more successful wum

Would you think about a holiday yourself? We could all use the break


@peddlerscross took his holidays in June. That’s the way it is now with the split season.

Traditionally September was the month where the plain people of Rural Ireland took their holidays.

There was a very good reason why the All Ireland Final’s, the National Ploughing Championships, Listowel Races and the Lisdoonvarna Match Making Festival all took place at this time of the year. Finding relief milkers in September is generally never an issue, however the GAA in their wisdom have forgotten all of this and ensured that any farmer wishing to see an AI Final again needs a very, very reliable relief milker to pick up the slack in mid-July.

Its these kind of practical issues, the ‘I’m alright Jack, split season zealots’ just don’t get.


All Ireland Hurling Final weekend on the first Sunday in September was always a big weekend for the emigrants who keep the flame alive for the GAA overseas. It marked the Labour Day weekend in the US and end of school holidays in the UK. School holidays haven’t even started now in the UK by the time the All Ireland Hurling Final is played in mid July.

Theyll probably need to consider hell need the Sunday off for the match and the Monday too as hell be absolutely dying from drink.

Good God. The inmates truly have taken control of the asylum.

A 15 year old played in the Premier League last week ffs

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The comments below this really are those of simple, stupid people.

Sure we’ll play the minor final in January lads. It’ll be the finest. Or no we won’t. We’ll have our middling minor play 4 games this week and get it all run off. Sure he’ll be grand.

Thick fucks.

Great piece with Peter canavan with on the second captains about counties are struggling to attract managers. Expecting full time managers soon.

It’s all very sad.

It would want to be very lucrative to entice lads to give up the gravy train of club management

Croke Park destroyed the intercounty football game when they drugged Dublin. It’s no wonder no one will play or manage other teams