Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Ger Gilroy and the OTB lads thought some Proposal B a couple of years ago which essentailly put the National Football League in ā€˜High Summerā€™ would see Division 4 clash of Tipperary v Waterford sell out Semple Stadium.

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Thereā€™s a few different issues at play here and itā€™s doing no one any favours lumping it all under ā€œsplit seasonā€. The biggest one is the complete and utter clusterfuck they have made of the football championship format.

There is little enough wrong with the hurling format imo and the sudden fallibility of Limerick has generated a surge of interest in it.


Thunderous, mesmerising, thrilling

Hyperbole spilling out of him

copyright, north county corncrake 2017

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hurling is a regional game

there isnt enough interest in the rest of the county for it to thrive on a county basis

1 team from Ulster & a midlands team are needed

have the all Ireland as

  1. dublin
  2. kilkenny
  3. Ulster red hands
  4. midlands/Wexford
  5. Galway
  6. Tipp
  7. Cork/Kerry Combined
  8. Clare
  9. Waterford
  10. Limerick

Of course youā€™re right but tbf, I donā€™t think TFK is really the place for an actual debate considering the majority of the most vocal people about it are ā€˜personasā€™ rather than peopleā€™s real opinions.

The split season itself is a good idea, and is the one good thing the GAA has done in the past few years, actually prioritising its playing members, the people who mean we have a sport. There are a number of sideshows they have handled less well though.

The round robin thing is completely separate. In hurling, the round robin is decent enough at the moment in Munster, creates competitive games that actually mean something. Has revitalised the provincials to an extent, although youā€™re always going to have an issue if there are teams way off the pace in Leinster. If we go back to the old format, thatā€™d be grand too; thereā€™s definitely more good matches now though. In football, itā€™s the opposite, itā€™s probably designed to kill the provincials but to have 3 teams coming out from a group of 4 in the round robin is utter madness. The Tailteann Cup could be a good idea, hard to know for sure.

Then thereā€™s the TV rights thingā€¦ obviously I think as many as matches as possible should be on free-to-air as possible. But if RTE donā€™t want to show them, what can you do? I think TG4 should have been brought in but obviously they havenā€™t for whatever reason. I donā€™t really have an issue with GAA Go in itself; Sky was a similar barrier for peopleā€¦ these are matches that wouldnā€™t be broadcast otherwise. What would the costs be in making it available as an actual TV channel on a Saorview box? I know nothing about that but if the costs arenā€™t too prohibitive, maybe thatā€™s something they could look at.

Obviously if we go back to meaningless provincials; weā€™d have less matches and that would solve part of the TV problem; the matches would all be shown but the quality would decrease until the knockouts again.

As for a match between Dublin & Wexford being shit to watch, Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s a whole pile that can be done to fix that in the short term.


The split season insinuates thereā€™s some sort of 50/50 divide.

The inter county season begins in December and doesnā€™t end until July.

The clubs get zero look in until august.

The only thing this split season has done is rejuvenate junior soccer and rugby around the country.

So thereā€™s two provinces and one of them is sinking quicker than the titanic after it hit the ice berg.

And you conclude that thereā€™s little wrong with format.


Joeā€™s stand in is all over it now on Liveline.

I have actual stats to show the amount of time our county players spend with their clubs before and after the split season. And itā€™s incomparable tbh.

Even versus 2017.


And the one county being Dublin who should easily have a good hurling team is getting set back a good 30 odd years thanks to the split season as lads arenā€™t picking up their hurleys until July.

Just watch the Dublin club hurling championship absolutely tank in standard thanks to the split season.

Are here.

Youā€™re spamming the board. The odd good point you make is lost in the nonsense.


There is no reason why all players shouldnā€™t be with their clubs two weeks of every month.

How many weeks a year does Harry Kane spend with spurs compared to England ?

Itā€™s called dovetailing.

Itā€™s the same in rugby. Youā€™ve international windows and club windows.

Liveline now.

A Tour De France from John Arnold.

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Iā€™m dealing with reality, what actually happened versus what is happening now.

Clubs are in a way way better position than 5 years ago, thankfully.

And I know most of the people donā€™t care about that, and just want to fuck the clubs and go back to their 10-month-long intercounty seasons with their All Irelands in September. And thatā€™s fine if thatā€™s their opinion but luckily that hasnā€™t fed through to the upper echelons yet.


Thatā€™s it clubs benefiting hugely.

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Thatā€™s your opinion. You are a part of a club whoā€™s had unprecedented success.

Iā€™ve talked to clubs who are struggling and they canā€™t get anybody training because theyā€™re still playing soccer, studying for exams and just couldnā€™t be arsed because the championship is so far away.

Nobody is calling for a return to 2017.

The inter county season needs to be shortened, the amount of games culled and a fair structure for all counties to compete in put in place.

Yep the junior soccer clubs have benefited massively.