Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

An odd provincial final was previously the most that was staged on the same day as aWorld Cup final.

In 2018 the GAA chanced their arm and went full clash when they staged Galway v Kerry at the same time as a World Cup final. Result: a near empty Croke Park.

If the GAA want their showpiece occasions to be relegated to also ran status in terms of coverage, let them work away.

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No im not. I’m looking out for the good of the game.

When it comes down to it, the big World Cup/Euro games dwarf the GAA whatever way you look at it. The biggest club hurling game of all time took place in Croke Park last December in front of a paltry crowd and nobody watching on TV.

It was a very unsatisfactory situation and the GAA should be avoiding these scenarios.


If your entire life-view is framed and defined by watching stuff on TV, it’s not surprising that you can’t see beyond it.


It was pig headed eejitry. They could easily have switched to the Saturday.

Soccer player’s dont want to play on Stephens Day either but the FA would never scrap the Festive Fixture List because of tradition.

Again, a nonsensical insult tgat only demonstrates a total lack of argument.

The truly awful, Trump like quality of debate from the split season zealots is startling.

It’s reminiscent of Pol Pot’s mad Year Zero ideology.

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Your Trump crutch is out again

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The GAA would tell the English football authorities they can have their Boxing Day fixtures on February 26th instead and it would be exactly the same.

The Trump comparison is bugging yis because yis know it’s a very well taken one.

“yis” is another staple crutch

It is beyond bizarre that someone of your political persuasion is so devoted to tv-watching of the whole Murdoch/EPL circus at the expense of something that is still a million more times more authentic for all it’s faults

I literally haven’t watched a second of EPL action so far this season.

The word “crutch” is becoming an awful crutch for you, ironically.

You haven’t made a point there

I think you’ll find I did. Your point apparently is that anybody of a left wing political persuasion cannot and should not ever be interested in the English Premier League. An absolutely bizarre opinion.

That was the original post. You of course immediately went down the Trump rabbit-hole, and somehow claimed that you were grievously insulted somewhere.

There’s more to it than watching on tv was my point.

Again the Trump comparison hurts yis because it’s accurate.

There aren’t any actual arguments from the solit season zealots, only culture war divide and rule tactics.

Who needs the real Dick Clerkin when have several wannabe Dick Clerkins here, towing the company line.

Sure on the topic of television let’s get rid of live television altogether, feck those who can’t go to games, sure the GAA doesn’t need them. That’s the message that has come loud and clear from the GAA this year.

You’re claiming insult again, and making no actual point.

You’re just trolling at this stage. To be fair the entire split season zealot argument is little more than trolling. Good night.

It might be one for the unpopular opinion or overrated thread but I find the Olympics dull enough tbh. There’s a few “must see events” and when our boxers or show jumpers do well it captures the nations imagination. But overall I’d only have a passing interest. I’d be a GAA, soccer and rugby man (in that order). Most Irish sports fans would be in a similar boat truth be told. Next years All-Ireland football final between Donegal and Derry shouldn’t under pressure due to a badminton match between two fellas none of us knew existed beforehand, javelin or fencing.

The athletics is probably the most enticing part of the Olympic schedule but even then I’d much rather play in or attend an intermediate club football match over it. I’m already excited for next years Euros but am so-so about the Olympics.


Olympics goes beyond sports and sucks the energy up from everything else around the Opening Ceremony in particular.

I think in general I have grown to prefer the Olympics to a major international football tournament, though I do love major international football tournaments, especially if they’re in Mexico or Spain.

I certainly find the World Athletics Championship or the European Athletics Championship to be a much superior watch to the early stages of the Premier League.

I can’t really understand how anybody would prefer to watch West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea or Burnley v Manchester City over RTE’s exceptional swimming panel analysing the goings on in an Olympic pool, with John Kenny and Nick O’Hare warning us about outside smokers.