Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

I think my suggestion was exactly in that vein.

Plenty of gaa action on all over the country this weekend.A lot of journalists are event junkies like yourself,they don’t really care about club matches.Lazy journalism.


Again, you make zero point and resort to the Trump style culture war nonsense.

Do association football people say “cancel the World Cup, there are under-14 matches down the park, that’s where the real action is”?

No, they don’t, and neither does any person of remotely sane mind say similar, regardless of what sport it is.

It’s utterly fascinating how the GAA has decided to downsize itself for the sake of a Trump style culture war.

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Mostly group stage action, which never gets national coverage anyway, but something something SPLIT SEASON…


“We decided to put something which never gets coverage in our prime shop window.”

This is the kind of stupidity they used to make Paddy Irishman jokes and Kerryman jokes over.

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Haven’t logged into this thread in a while but just from a quick glance there, I see @peddlerscross and @Cheasty continuing to run rings around the split season zealots.

We don’t need no media coverage
We don’t need no cameras to roll
No column inches in the papers
Media, leave the GAA alone
Hey media, leave the Gah alone
All in all we would prefer our crowds to be small
All in all we much prefer our crowds to be small

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Surprisingly lively Donegal football game on Tg4 after the dirge of the Tipp hurling game earlier.

He should buy the examiner on a Monday if he wants Gaa coverage.


He’s so on the ball he’s gotten 1 reply :grinning:

Was it @Cheasty?

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He hasn’t time

Front page of the times sports section yesterday too.

It’s almost like he has an agenda.

The real loser in this whole thing is the great game of hurling.

In may/april you have this sort of avalanche of hurling for a couple of weeks before a Months break in June between the Munster final and the all Ireland semi final.

It really sucks the life and momentum out of the championship in the summer for a few weeks. Between the end of the round robin and the hurling final it’s a far more spaced out championship than the first section but it feels like almost a mid season break.

Both provincial finals played the same day and the two all Ireland semi finals played the same weekend with the two q/fa also the same day mean hurlingless weekends become the norm from mid may until until august. A total disaster for growing the game.

Again in Limerick we had a real buzz for a week With three rounds of the club championship played in a row after hurling final.

Now we have a sort of mid season break which sucks all the wind out of hurling side of things again as the football championship takes precedence.

It’s also fairly noticeable on here all the staunch pro split season men are all football men as opposed to hurling men.

Curiously, they’re also nearly all lads who have played and are still involved in both games :man_shrugging:t2:


A big myth.

A bunch of lads trying to relive their youth on the side line.

What’s wrong with being a football man?

Would it not make more sense to play the provinces in a similar manner as before over the first 5 weeks of the championship from early April to mid May. 6 teams in each - two teams get a bye to semis possibly based off the league or home advantage based off the league to incentive teams early in the year. Quarters, semis and final

The four provincial finalists then go into a group of 4. Top three into all Ireland semi finals. Two provincial winners would get home games/venue advantage.

The other 8 teams firstly go into a one round open draw to be played around the provincial finals. 4 winners go into a second group with the top side getting the last A/I semi final spot.

Four losers into a relegation group. Bottom side drops.

Would guarentee every team 5 games between April and end of June with a mixture of knockout and round robin elements along with allowing teams to move up and down each year and giving plenty of matches between the better sides.

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