Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011


Then you’ve an interesting game.

You play Offaly and Wexford in tullamore on a Sunday and people will watch.

It gives the players a profile too.

At the moment fifty percent of the hurling games are completely lost.

It’s not good.

You could make an exceedingly attractive day night double header with Wexford vs Carlow

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The gaa is directly competing with soccer and right now with their championships in April and may.

You better make sure they are accessible and interesting or people will lose interest.

from a brief look on the news last night & the empty pitch side at the game, there aren’t many football people in Waterford

Hurling is down to literally a handful of hurling games on RTE after being shafted by the football restructuring, GAAGO and the split season. How McGill allowed this happen shows the priorities in Croke Park. Football and €. Longterm if you want to kill off a sport this the way to go about it. Make it largely irrelavent in the greater scheme of things.

Here’s 15 choices and I’m sure there’s more I’ve forgotten.

Choice 1 - the introduction of the NFL Divisions 1 to 4 system in 2008

Choice 2 – the decision to allow inter-county managers to stop players playing for their clubs

Choice 3 – the introduction of the Super 8s

Choice 4 – the introduction of under 20s and under 17s

Choice 5 – the decision to move All-Irelands to August

Choice 6 – the decision to have this pox of a football championship with Round Robins and meaningless provincial championships and the Tiny Tots Cup and All-Ireland finals in fucking July

Choice 7 – the decision to stop cash payment for tickets

Choice 8 – GAAGO and paywalls

Choice 9 – the ATTACKING MARK

Choice 10 – the hurling non-penalty penalty

Choice 11 - allowing six subs instead of three

Choice 12 - Failing to regulate hurley boss sizes and allowing hurleys to become mutant shovels, eradicating ground hurling and overhead pulling in favour of throwball and scorelines of 0-34 to 1-28.

Choice 13 - the decision to remove minor games from senior bills

Choice 14 - consistently bad fixture making, venues etc.

Choice 15 - the decision to abolish replays


How many of those decisions were in the years you mentioned originally?

What does it matter? They are all here now.

How many of those decisions were good? What are the arguments in their favour?

Really couldn’t argue with any of that.

There was something iconic about the three man penalty. It was like fellas were being put up in front of a firing squad.


I think the thread this tweet is part of is a major indicator of just how deep the problems are.

Anthony Moyles says the problem isn’t a Champions League system, it’s that we don’t have ENOUGH Champions League. We need MORE Champions League!"

The public debate about what is wrong is sooooo bad. 97% of people who discuss the topic are basically sheep. Twitter threads about this topic are in my view quite influential but the tweets contained within them are generally clueless.

We also have a cohort of jobsworths from the strength and conditioning/fitness/high performance/performance consulting/life coach/sports psychology/sports statistics/sports nutrition/sports movement/proprioception gravy train who are all in the more meaningless games bandwagon because €€€€€.

Dont Cavan have about 30 people in their backroom team?

Hard to justify that without a never ending series of meaningless matches.


This is a very far right non nuanced approach from you. Sure there are plenty of valid arguments in favour of the vast majority of those decisions as well you know.

There seemingly isn’t given you have to resort to trolling.

What we have seen is the GAA’s very own version of Brexit, driven by the cosplaying purity brigade.

Surely the people should have the promotion of the games at heart and keeping as many counties competitive in the competitions as a policy.

Nearly every decision has been made to suit the bigger counties.

We’d a knock out football championship in 2020 and Tipperary won Munster.

In 2021 we’d the back door format and Dublin and Kerry weren’t in the final which hadn’t happened since 2012.


The format of the Championships in 2020 and 2021 was actually very good, it was just a pity that nobody could go to the games.


That’s essentially it. You have an inter-county season now more or less running for 8 months from just before Christmas through to the end of July. You need a big programme of regular matches regardless of how meaningless they are to sustain the entourage of gurus/chances that seem to be latched on now to just about every county team.

Poor old gullible Paddy has swallowed the line, hook line and sinker that a 6-7 week Club mini blitz campaign mainly across holiday season in August like what they have had the last few years in Wexford and Waterford is a great deal for the club player.

An element of natural chaos was introduced. The GAA is seeking to eliminate that natural chaos which has sustained the GAA for over a century in favour of extreme rationality, which leads to dishwater dull action.

History has shown us that attempts to perfect humanity and perfect systems based on extreme rationality result in unintended consequences which produce extreme negative outcomes.