Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011


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Split season has nothing to do with the decline of Cork hurling. Cork club hurling has been woeful for years. One game won in Munster club championship since 2009 says it all.

A great night for the GAA.

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Charlie Adam left before half time of Shels v Rovers standard was so bad but yeah crowds would double if on a Saturday.

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And a combined 16k at the club rugby games apparently! It’s easy spot the lads who have never been to Lakelands if they think you are getting 7 or 9k people in there.

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You talk so much rubbish all the time. It’s fairly clear you hate the clubs.

Now answer the simple question. Do you think it’s good for hurling in cork if cork are out on Sunday there’s a four month break until the club championship?

Was it last summer everyone in cork went abroad for the summer and players missed the first round of championship?

It’s so odd anybody with a brain would support this new season. Unless you simply hate the clubs and love this kind of soccer Saturday type thing the gaa are serving up.

GAA will be dead in 10 years.

The LOI will merge with the IFA (not the muldoons) by 2032, and the new Irish Soccer League will sky rocket.

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It would be nice to see Irish association football returning to its Belfast roots and home.
They might play some games in Casement Park too.

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All they have to do is realise is less more.

The inter county season is gone crazy. Way way too many games.

Vital games of hurling played Sunday and likely you’ll get injuries because they have to be played 7 days apart.

How many matches do teams play now and how many do you think they should play?

I think for Donegal to win ulster and the all Ireland they’ll play 3 in Ulster, 3 round robins and 3 more in the all Ireland series.

That’s an awful lot of games and gives Dublin and other super powers a massive advantage.

9 games is actually crazy.

The closeness of the games is a huge issue as well. Gives the stronger counties every chance.

That’s the most a team could play though. What would you be thinking more 4 or 5?

1 70minute game a week is too much?


I don’t see the need for championship games to be played 7 days apart.

Too often in the gaa at inter county level the games are over before they began because one team is wrecked.

That’s not good.

In his example of Donegal they’ll actually play 9 games in 15 weeks. Hardly incredibly excessive for players who are very fit.


Too many games.

Too little games.

Amateur players.

Super fit players.

Ideally there would be no matches. Matches cause all the problems.


Yet too often games are over before they begin. 9 games in 15 weeks is insane unless you want players crippled and a load of one sided results.

in truth, players are the problem. And managers.

Actually it’s really just managers.

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Maybe the GAA administrators are suffering from a psychiatric illness and need to be admitted to hospital to receive treatment

Yes, it appears so. These GGA players don’t half drone on about the sacrifices they make to such an extent these butty amateurs were provided with tax incentives by the government (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy). We train before work some days. Wah wah wah. My neighbour Milky Nolan did his swimming training in Wexford Swimming Club every morning before school when he was 9. We’re not home til late when we train. Yes, like every other person who goes straight from work to their hobby in the evenings. The GGA is a drain on Ireland Inc & needs to be defunded. It’s only when you become a middle aged funrunner, you realise that Breda & Nora train as hard as these muldoons & quasi-muldoons.