Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Feargal has only gone and done it!

Bending over for the English national soccer team.

The ultimate humiliation for the association.

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Oh. My. Word!

Ferg has taken care of the average sportsfan here in a massive massive way!!!

There can be no way back for the split season zealots after this.

What a shock.

Uh oh

Cahair has lost the plot.

Kill your idols

What is the rationale for an already tight frame for teams to prepare in holding these draws over to Morning Ireland on the radio at 8.35 on a Monday morning?

Alan Milton’s argument (cc @myboyblue) would be that the games played on Sunday should dominate Monday mornings sportspages while the Draw/CCCC scheduling held on Monday will then dominate Tuesday’s newspapers.

Thanks for specifying that Morning Ireland takes place in the morning time

Who’s this Alan Milton chap?

What most normal GAA folk would refer to as the PRO but with a business speak title of “Director of Communications” for the GAA

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Alan runs the communications department in Croker.

Feargal runs the fixtures.

Eddie Keher absolutely sewing it into the split season zealots in todays paper.


You’d fairly want Eddie on your side alright.

Eddie is an aul bollox

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Hes echoing my thoughts exactly there but he sounds a bit more credible as he has a nordie accent.

He sees the critics for what they are, absolute cranks.


I thought to myself when I watched the clip:

“There’s a man whose views are like our @Arthur ’s.”