Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Nothing to do with the split season then?


The solution is staring us in the face then - more funding for Dublin GAA!

You shut your damn mouth this instant!!

It was a clear step towards it when they effectively locked down Jan to March, and May to end of August as Inter County only time.

Once they brought in Round Robins, if effectively ended the possibility of players being released back to their clubs at any point mid season.

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Correct they brought in the club only Month and then the round robins.

They knew what they were at.

There was no hope for the split season until Covid happened.

All the anti split season zealots actually just donā€™t like the format changes from prior to the split season and its nothing to do with the split season

They had to fill the gaps with something. The inter county managers ruined it for everyone and now they get all the power.

They had the gaps filled before the split season as @peddlerscross pointed out

By destroying the club championships

Any man involved in a club knew the club only month was the worst thing that ever happened in clubs. Thereā€™s a reason it was binned by the clubs.

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The club championships and interest in the club game is higher than it has ever been in my lifetime. I saw on Premierview earlier thereā€™s a South Tipp Junior C hurling championship now Iā€™d say for the first time ever. Marlfield who looked like theyā€™d fold as a club a few years ago 2 from 2 in the South Junior B Championship as well

Thatā€™s a load of bollocks and you know it.

You just canā€™t accept you got it wrong.

There is way too much inter county games and not enough room for club championships particularly dual clubs.

Vast majority of inter county games are pointless and take up miles too much of the calendar.

It was brought in by the CPA, who quickly realised what a dreadful idea it was. What ever happened to the CPA actually, why are they never heard of now? - has something happened that has addressed all the grievances of the average club player?

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I agree. They should get rid of the league and put the All Irelands in May and the club championships would be even better

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Iā€™d have my doubts about them tbh.

I think a reverse split season would be sensational.

Club from Jan to August bank holiday. Inter county until October bank holiday and you could run of the club championships anytime you liked then.

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The Nigel Farages and Sebastian Cockworths and Ruth Dudley Edwardses and Jacob Rees-Moggs of the GAA will never apologise for the destruction they have wreaked.

Actually watched the Tipp North hurling final on Clubber yesterday afternoon. Lot more entertaining that the football on tv. Bit of dirt too. Looked a big crowd there.

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Hot Shots Cleaning Ears GIF

What else would you expect with Toome playing :rofl::rofl:

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