Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Thereā€™s been loads of deals online, and at their outlet shops, all year.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they manufactured too much of the current jersey editions.

Spidey junior loves a trip to the factory/outlet shop

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I hear they were lucky there was a referee shortage the 2 weekends ago. Theyā€™d no team either.

I think theyā€™ve sorted it in recent years, but for a while it was ridiculous. We got samples into the club once, took the order, then the sizes that arrived were a completely different fit.

I was told second hand the issue was occurring because they were using multiple factories in Asia and the quality control was very poor.

There seems to a huge surge in lads doing club gear now which must be eating into their market share at a local level.

D/B got gear from Cobi Sports. Decent quality and the cost wasnā€™t bad either. For ā‚¬110 I got a jacket, crewneck sweatshirt, training top, skinny tracksuit pants and leisure shorts. Had my initials on each then.

The GAA logo isnā€™t on them. I think a company must pay big money to get permission to use the GAA logo on clothing.

Iā€™ve seen the Cobi stuff, very tidy. How does it age?

Very well. Havenā€™t heard of any complaints. The jacket is very warm.

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Iā€™d argue you are better off paying the big bucks for Oā€™Neillā€™s.

Its a premium product.


Can we all agree that azzuri gear is shit at least?

No mention of how many half in half limerick/kerry jerseys they sold? @TreatyStones spotted wearing his in the milk market last weekend



Only 4 companies are currently licensed to use the GAA logo: Oā€™Neillā€™s, Azzurri, Masita and, most recently, McKeever.

Gaelic Armour and KC sports also. There may be 1 or 2 more. From experience the difference in quality from when Gaelic Armour became official GAA is savage. The quality is much closer to Oā€™Neills and even some of the gear we have got has been better than Oā€™Neills.
But originally there gear wasnt great quality

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Bergin Sports in Tipp are looking at getting the licence too. Think it costs 60-80k to get the GAA licence. I donā€™t know what the quality of his stuff is like though. @peddlerscross or @endakenny would know better.

It would be middlin in my opinion. I know Bourke Sports were looking at getting the licence too but never got it. Your gear has to be of a certain standard. There is a huge difference between an Oā€™Neills and Gaelic Armour training jersey and a Kieran Bergin or Bourke Sports one. We got training tops and other gear with all those brands and you can tell the difference. MFC up in derry too, and there gear was decent enough

The Bergin Top I have is way too tight fitting. The Bourke stuff i have can be hit and miss.

For consistency Iā€™d be Oā€™Neillā€™s all day every day.

TJs not impressed with the split

Heā€™s basically echoing every thing Iā€™ve argued.

How can anybody want a round robin ahead of club championships Iā€™ll never understand.

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It will be one of the great internet victories when this nonsense is done away with in 2024.

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TJ is right.

Although there are probably many reasons for Kilkenny being so dominant since the start of this Centaury. I have always felt that they have got their club championship structure right. County lads are sent back to play with their clubs in mid summer and it generally never did them much harm and it was bound to have helped keeping up sharpness and keeping lads grounded etc. Less of the haves and have nots. It would definitely less of a club/county divide which imo the split season is going to exacerbate even more. We are going to see more Shane Walshā€™s.

What is wrong with having windows where both club and inter county championships are played? Two weeks on, two weeks off for example. Stipulate that lads must be released back to their clubs or County boards are fined.

Whatever your opinion on the split season, the County Managerā€™s have too much power and need to be reigned in.


Yeah but they used to have a month between games In Leinster and then six weeks to an All Ireland semi final.

Twas ideal.