GAA Turning Professional - Choco does a Breheny

With all this talk of TV money and the threat of players being payed or the game turning professional, should the game go down this route? If so, how would they go about it? Smaller clubs would surely go and be swallowed up by bigger clubs as players would all want to get noticed- But are not a lot of small clubs perishing, or just about clinging on, as it is??

I’m not for it or against it, just wondering how, if at all, it would work. I’m all for Sky showing games, but you can be sure that if this three year thing works out from their end and they feel they can get more from it, more money and more games will be sought— As always, let’s let Ireland’s premier sports forum dictate the way.

First off, @Anto Can you tell us the fate of the Club scence once the provinces went pro and what would be your advice as a die hard club man?

Not feasible


End of discussion

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 925348, member: 332”]Agreed.

End of discussion[/QUOTE]

Let Anto have his say first, mate.

No, it would be madness and ruin the game. I believe the GAA in this country has been so successful because of amateurism, not in spite of it.
Most county boards are just about keeping their heads above water as it is, without the demands of paying players being put upon them as well. It’s not as if magical new revenue streams are going to appear if the game went professional.


[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 925350, member: 1786”]No, it would be madness and ruin the game. I believe the GAA in this country has been so successful because of amateurism, not in spite of it.
Most county boards are just about keeping their heads above water as it is, without the demands of paying players being put upon them as well. It’s not as if magical new revenue streams are going to appear if the game went professional.[/QUOTE]

What about sponsorship? Toyota for instane?

with average crowds of 1k

with only 10 games a year

& with derogatory tv money

dont think so

[QUOTE=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 925353, member: 80”]with average crowds of 1k

with only 10 games a year

& with derogatory tv money

dont think so[/QUOTE]

This isn’t a LOI thread ,mate- The title says GAA.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 925350, member: 1786”]No, it would be madness and ruin the game. I believe the GAA in this country has been so successful because of amateurism, not in spite of it.
Most county boards are just about keeping their heads above water as it is, without the demands of paying players being put upon them as well. It’s not as if magical new revenue streams are going to appear if the game went professional.[/QUOTE]

how is the GGA succesful mate?

nobody plays it, nobody watches it on tv & apart from 4 or 5 games a year mainly involving de duds no one goes to games

Professional only at inter-county level - starting at a small level - pay to play. Players might get paid 200 euro a week or something at a small level. Bonuses for winning AI or provincial or league.

As it is it is semi professional as players in top counties have sponsored cars (a sponsored car is probably worth 15 to 20k a year) and some of endorsements.

I think some form of pay to play is now inevitable.

LFC paying 200k to lay SRFC next month

thats what the LOI can demand for a one off game

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 925356, member: 2272”]Professional only at inter-county level - starting at a small level - pay to play. Players might get paid 200 euro a week or something at a small level. Bonuses for winning AI or provincial or league.

As it is it is semi professional as players in top counties have sponsored cars (a sponsored car is probably worth 15 to 20k a year) and some of endorsements.

I think some form of pay to play is now inevitable.[/QUOTE]


they are getting the same amount of tv money as last time so why has it changed now?

It won’t go professional. But with the global explosion in popularity and interest in the game, it’s inevitable that the players will have to get some sort of renumeration.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 925356, member: 2272”]Professional only at inter-county level - starting at a small level - pay to play. Players might get paid 200 euro a week or something at a small level. Bonuses for winning AI or provincial or league.

As it is it is semi professional as players in top counties have sponsored cars (a sponsored car is probably worth 15 to 20k a year) and some of endorsements.

I think some form of pay to play is now inevitable.[/QUOTE]

Too true- Gavin O’Mahony 141 skoda
Tony Kelly 141 Focus
Shane O’Donnell got offered a new yaris but demanded a Jeep and got it…

[QUOTE=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 925358, member: 80”]why?

they are getting the same amount of tv money as last time so why has it changed now?[/QUOTE]
you have to look at trends and the marketing push that is going on in the USA

there will be more money from it and you can charge sponsors more too if you have an international audience

being paid is professional

Where do lads think that the Clare boys are getting money for their drink and drugs???

America is on the wane mate, Russia is where it is at

Yeah - look around your home and office and how much stuff is there that was invented, designed or made in Russia?