GAA Turning Professional - Choco does a Breheny

True dat.

would you employ someone who is a qualified engineer and says he’ll do an online course and then go teaching coz they are handy hours? Thinking it is one thing, going out and making it public is dumb

Relax lads. Chin is only 25. Some lads were still training to be Chartered Accountants when there were 30.


I wouldnt employ an inter county player full stop.

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At least he might get the kids out hurling and involved in sport - in my old primary school the only male teachers left there are gay and no interest in encouraging any sport with the kids

At least they are getting out of bed every day to go to work

Maybe some of his teammates who went to college and made something of themselves will toss him a bit of work in the future.


99% of teachers are only teachers because of the handy hours and summers off

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Shoes on the couch. My missus would shoot him

Lee getting used to his office space for 2’18

Didn’t Lee use the old ‘an bhfuil cead agam’ gag after he won a cup one time?
Even teaching is probably beyond the poor godhelpus

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GGA players watching TV’s that aren’t plugged in


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Robots don’t have hair.