Galway - quadruple travails part 2

Galway like Tipp and Cork realising these young lads mopping up Minor/U20 championships in the last 5 ir 6 years just aren’t up to it.

Amazing really what came off Minor and U21 winning teams from 2006-2017 compared to what’s come since.

That 2011 Under 21 winning team was very good to Galway.

An all time great.


Galway haven’t mopped up many u20/1 titles I think you’ll find

They’ve been winning the minors and Cork the U20’s.

Meehawl had a very deliberate plan to create point scoring opportunities. No one before or since has got any kind of teamwork out of them.

Wait till ye see some of the 30/70 ball we’ll fire into the inviting arms of the Kilkenny fullback line tomorrow.

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Well what’s O Shea bringing so. Bar nepotism.

Ara I’ll save the rant til tomorrow.

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The youngster isn’t great shakes yet but he’s growing into kind of a playmaker rather than the more selfish forward he was at underage. I think he’ll be on the panel for the next few years but he’s still too light yet.

But as you said it’s a few hours early for the sniping.

This has been a problem for years.

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The young lad was there before the oul lad on the line in fairness. As I said before, it’s more difficult to get off some of these panels than onto them.

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Young O Shea is well worth his place on the panel. I hate folk insinuating otherwise, it deeply demeans both himself and his father who give an awful lot of themselves to Galway hurling.

Big Salthill have compromised your Rahoon roots. Sad to see.

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Sord to see.

Look…it’s simple as this, and it’s linked the point I made regarding CC. There’s lads on there that haven’t made the step up. Some can’t, some won’t. Ballinasloe Junior Bs beat Salthill last year in the Co. Final and O’Shea didn’t feature. Junior B…Jeez Liam Burke won Kilconieron an Intermediate title and kept them Senior on his own until he retired.
I don’t think they are facilitated either by the county set up. That’s another story.
DO’S has skills, ok, but he’s a long time around already and hasn’t really beefed up to the required to buy him the presence to mix it up and use these skills. That’s either down to genetics, focus on studies/career or worst case laziness (which I don’t think is an issue).
There’s more than D’OS in this category - Collins, McLoughlin and McManus also.
Anyways…It’s sad the way the game has gone tbh, the day of the tidy hurler that could excute a simple handpass legally is gone. One time skill from the backyard and training pitch would surpass the gym and the ‘‘nutritionists’’.


For the day that’s in it. Headed out presently to see how close to the shtadium I can get the bike


Id agree with this in part. The county underage system may be a sine qua non, but it absolutely shouldn’t stop ongoing scouting and recruitment. We’ve always seemed a bit light on shrude scouts.


The Taylors Hill crowd are twitching at the curtains here


Make sure to piss in a few of the letterboxes there. Yuppy bastards.

Youre in early :flushed:

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