Galway - quadruple travails part 2

What was the grievance?

He was running around roaring in lads faces at the Final Whistle too.

And lads be wondering why I say “ FUCK MAYO “

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Noticed that too. The Galway #9 (Maher?) was telling him to fuck off for himself.

Karma will have the final say for the stupid cunt

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Training setup was from the stoneage, match prep was even worse. There were also backroom staff that were there because they were the cheapest, not that they were qualified.

Walsh, Silke and Conlon might be still slated for their defensive tactics but they bullied the county board into financing the team fairly. No surprises then that a couple of years later they got to an All-Ireland semi final.

Cooke a fotf? Hardly

Was told by someone who would know last night that he hasn’t been right the past couple months. Think it was most obvious in his free taking which fell off a cliff.

Shane needs to be careful here

Had heard the same before the mayo game last week. Lookit, a total fuck up that we’re not playing this weekend. That allayed with having your three most important players carrying bad injuries and here we are. In hindsight Joyce probably shouldn’t have played them. But we’re always wiser after the fact.

Shouldn’t have been playing nevermind taking frees.

Galway made a fuck of themselves v Armagh.


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Shane seems to always have excuses

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Not sure how Shane gets the blame for this one. That lies squarely with Joyce, starting three players carrying injuries is fucking reckless, if not downright stupid.

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I’m not pinning all blame on him but he needs to definitely cop on and admit he didn’t put in the work in 2023. The same whinging about “carrying an injury” always comes out when he plays shite.

He’s not injured, just lost the hunger.

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Yeah, I’d strongly agree with you on the first part, just when it looked like he had become the player we knew he was capable of being, he reverts back to being a bit player again. The controversy following the move to Crokes didn’t help I’m sure and then only returning to the Galway panel in March certainly wasn’t ideal. This was the year we needed Walsh to push on, he is 29 after all, but it really has all gone to shite for him this year, a lot of it his own making.

The bit about him pretending to be injured, however, sorry, I don’t buy that.


He’s 30


Great footballer, bad sort is the verdict from lads that play with him.

Mavericks like meself and Shane are never appreciated in our own time

In fairness he never once said he was carrying an injury in public as far as I know. The two lads above brought it up as they interviewed him and it came up off the record.

That’s disappointing to hear. What do the lads say about Padraig Joyce by the way?