Galway v Clare

A poor game but a daycent spectacle, I can’t believe how bad Galway were today, they deserved to lose but will win the replay comfortably

And you said they’d win this one comfortably

Not true

Its just a shit sport with no skill

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Get it,hit it hard as you can

Repeat for 70 mins

you love watching the auld shit sports. you lead a very boring life mate.
you could have been riding your fixie, playing a few sets down at the club, or taking Fido for a walk, or spending quality time with the kiddos
but instead you were watching shit sport

More people sing Karaoke than Opera. No prizes for guessing which is more beautiful and transcending though.


I haven’t watched hurling in ages mate

tfk doesn’t lie mate

It does,a lot


More people prefer eating steak than shit

There is a reason for that


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Ah I thought they’d win alright, I really can’t believe how bad Galway were, I didn’t think they had it in them, Clare didn’t even have to play that well, it wasn’t a great game of hurling though it was obviously unbelievably exciting.

can’t argue with that in fairness

First lesson in upselling at the yacht club?

Do you think you could score that point that Peter Duggan got in the second half with four Galway defenders around him?

I didnt see it but yes


How many wides did Galway shoot today mate?

I’d assume zero as there were 50 scores. Surely they had no time left

Too many mate, Clare had their share of wides as well including some criminal ones in ET. The conditions weren’t great, we are normally very accurate form distance.

Embarrassing stuff from the jackeens here, raging that with a population of half of Ireland they are shit at its national sport.