Galway v Tipp

Best 35 minutes of the hurling championship by a mile. Simply in a different stratosphere to anything before it.

The Galway defence have gradually got right on top of their men and their physicality all over the pitch is beginning to wear Tipp down. You have to say bar Callanan, the Tipp forwards haven’t been great. Bubbles isn’t on top form, Forde and Bonner Maher only in things fleetingly, O’Meara isn’t in it at all.

Smith has been outstanding for Galway. A man possessed so far.

You feel the force is with them now.


Some bite to this!!

The Galway backs devoured the Tipp forwards for the five minutes before the break. Too much wasted ball though. They have to be craftier if they want to win it.

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Bubbles ratty as fuck now.

Great half for Galway after giving away a four point head start.

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We should be 6 up ffs that was a piss poor penalty and a shocking pass from him after to donnellan. Just leave someone in front of callinan and with no space to knock it into for himself he can be quitened. Hes all they have. How over rated are tipp going on that half.

Cunningham is a fucking odious cunt all the same. Davyesque jumping and shiting about there

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Xanax please

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That was a massive five minutes or so from Galway before half time. Really laid down a marker.

We will see what Tipp are made of now

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Loughnane with the shirt half buttoned.

Cyril dead right about Mannion. Stupid to pull one-handed like that when you’re the last man.

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How are Galway not ahead? Galway physicality wearing Tipp down but don’t think they can sustain that for 70, some of galways big men are flagged at 60 minutes whereas Tipp will last the 70. Galway are certainly going to get goals. Callanan will probably get another one too though.

They are a point up pal.

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Fuck you and your “little more descriptive” @Rocko


Excellent point Dodgy :sweat_smile:

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But for a horrific start and tame penalty Galway should have a much bigger lead.

Barry Kelly, good god. How can you end up giving away a free while having an advantage. That rule is another beacon of inconsistency. Other times lads are let shoot, miss and then get the free, so they essentially have 2 shots on goal. But here it’s a free against the guy who had the advantage. That’s ridiculous. It has not been implemented well at all.
He also is playing about 10 steps. You can hear hundreds of people shouting steps over and over but not to him. Callinan pivoted three times and scored a point. Had to have been steps. Nope, work away.

Strangely low score for such an open game. There are more goals out there for both sides.

Super game. Galway have showed up.

Tipp will still win it.

If Smith had as much hurling as bravery he’d be top notch.

Joe will still have a big say here.

James Barry is hurling very well for Tipp

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Big chance there for Woodlock. Big psychological signal to miss it.