Galway v Tipp

I was wondering how long it would take some bright spark to throw that one out. Well done.

He looks like he is going to cry?
Must have lost his hole on it or something

Not with that full back line they’re not

I’m shaking here. That was epic.

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Were all skahnig, mtae.

I love ye


Fucking yes! Hurling is the best sport on earth. Amazing.


(@rocko fix this FFS)

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That was it. Every shit match this year was worth it for that.

Sheer majesty.

I’m not sure Galway have ever had a greater victory than that in Croke Park. They haven’t, I think.


If by some chance Galway don’t leak a heap of goals in the final we’ll get a ferocious contest.

Need to seal the deal against Kilkenny.

I think they will.

Ahahaha back to the cesspit ye fucking yokels, ye are utterly fucking shit pal

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I actually feel bad for Tipp. And I dislike Tipp on principle. Galway the better team but by god Callanan was sensational. He should be hurler of the year for sure.

Daithi Burke amazing. Tannian finished so strong. The spread of hurlers that Galway have is unreal. Anthony Cunningham “see you in September” -you beauty.

Galway :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


Posting from Croker are you?..

Callinan motm on Sky and close to tears

That was a game for the ages.

Hurling - bloody hell.

Delighted for Galway. Heart, bottle and everything else - they had it in spades.

Cunts going on about the rugby football World Cup for the next few months - they can fuck right off. That was pure raw sport there today. Fair play to both teams.

Galway deserved that. Top class. Finally a decent game this year.


Still can’t believe we won that. 3 goals conceded and could have been 6. Some fight in that Galway team to come back from 3 body blows. Superb game.


I’m sure your mother is very proud of you…wherever she is

Incredibly that foul on Callanan for the penalty worked in Galway’s favour as it turned out. Callanan was winded and hit his penalty poorly. He wasn’t a factor for the remaining ten minutes. Galway lived off scraps up front for the last ten minutes. Tipp were catching nearly every ball that went in. But so were the Galway half-backs. Time almost stood still in thje run up to the winner and the Tipp defence seemed to lose critical faculties. It was on a plate for whoever scored it, I can’t even remember who did such was my state of frenzy.

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Not bothering checking so it may already have been said but


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