Garda visit radio station in Cowen painting inquiry

Do they do the big marble shrines ala the Travellers SS?,id imagine they’d be going down that tacky route,you cant beat St Stephens Cemetary in New Ross for the massive headstones,theres at least 30 of them probably after costing around 1 million quid in total,its a great Country.

Apparently your man also did photos of Bertie when he came into office and nothing was ever said about it.

As someone on Today FM said this morning - college students will study this in years to come as an example of how not to manage PR.

Not sure Link as I wouldn’t really have been into too many of the graveyards in the city. The travellers in Rathkeale have some massive ones but the council have brought in regulations now about needing planning permission for any headstones over a certain height. The travellers in Rathkeale cut down all the trees in front of the graveyard a couple of years back because they wanted everyone to be able to see the headstones from the road!

On topic: Your man that painted those portraits handed himself into the Gardai yesterday and it’s not expected any formal charges will be pressed.

listening to ray d’arcy again this morning … and will ended up staying back late yesterday evening to take calls as ray had to be elsewhere and calls came in from washington radio stations even along with him having to take question no matt cooper yesterday evening

id say those fuckers are loving the attention

Down to 10-15 times a week now though.

Yours etc,

I think the Gardai are alright sorts.

I strongly dislike our local Gardai. The barracks used to be full of alright, old time coppers, who would drink in the town and attend matches etc.

Now it’s stocked with blow-ins who make no effort to integrate with the community and make the most ham fisted job of simple things. This year they came close to ruining the best St Patricks day parade in years when they brought the traffic that had been stopped at the cross roads down the town against the parade because they thought it had ended. A proper local Garda would have known that the parade doesn’t end until Matty Foley passes by the old garage on his donkey.

[quote=“The Runt”]I strongly dislike our local Gardai. The barracks used to be full of alright, old time coppers, who would drink in the town and attend matches etc.

Now it’s stocked with blow-ins who make no effort to integrate with the community and make the most ham fisted job of simple things. This year they came close to ruining the best St Patricks day parade in years when they brought the traffic that had been stopped at the cross roads down the town against the parade because they thought it had ended. A proper local Garda would have known that the parade doesn’t end until Matty Foley passes by the old garage on his donkey.[/quote]

I have no idea what that means, but its fooking brilliant! :stuck_out_tongue:

If thats the only issue you have with the local fellas, you’ll be alright. LIke in anything, you’ll get bollocks in every walk of life, I think its just a little easy to have a go at them, and I’d have more reason than most to have a go at them.

[quote=“myboyblue”]I have no idea what that means, but its fooking brilliant! :stuck_out_tongue:

If thats the only issue you have with the local fellas, you’ll be alright. LIke in anything, you’ll get bollocks in every walk of life, I think its just a little easy to have a go at them, and I’d have more reason than most to have a go at them.[/quote]

It means what it says! Matty Foley on his donkey brings up the rear of the parade every year! They should have known when they hadn’t seen the donkey yet that the parade wasn’t finished!

Unfortunately thats far from the only issue with the local Gardai. They are more like to local travellers personal security Guards these days. There’s even a woman “Garda” back there.

Donkeytail is in your local parade Runt?

I don’t think that DonkeyTail on here is actually a real donkey. He has made a few slip ups lately that are leading me to believe he might really be a human being.

[quote=“The Runt”]It means what it says! Matty Foley on his donkey brings up the rear of the parade every year! They should have known when they hadn’t seen the donkey yet that the parade wasn’t finished!

Unfortunately thats far from the only issue with the local Gardai. They are more like to local travellers personal security Guards these days. There’s even a woman “Garda” back there.[/quote]

i could tolerate the old Ban Garda, but since they integrated them as proper Gardai and it went to their heads i haven’t seen a good one.

The one that turned on all the blue lights she could find to pull me over for breaking an amber in 30kmph traffic was a case in point. I was going straight through and she was sitting at the lights to my left.

You broke that red, she said.
I didn’t, says I.
You did she said, i know the timing of those lights well and you definitely broke it.
No says I, it went amber just as i had crossed the line, it wasn’t red.
No, the cunt said, i know the timing of them lights and you definetly broke the red.
So you didnt see me breaking the red, i said.
I know the timing, you broke it.
I was fucking raging.
So are you going to do me on that basis i asked her, that you know the timing of the lights because i know for a fact it turned amber as i crossed the line.
She gave me a warnig and off she went.

The ugly cunt.

Say it isn’t so Runt.

here’s some more cowen funnies

Leave Conor Casby alone

The plot thickens

National Gallery staff threatened with jail over Cowengate pictures
Ken Foxe, Public Affairs Correspondent

STAFF at the National Gallery were threatened with arrest and the Official Secrets Act after media leaks that an unauthorised portrait of Brian Cowen had temporarily hung in the museum.

The bizarre threat was made at a staff meeting on Thursday morning when workers were told they could face serious repercussions if any more information is leaked to the media.

It is understood a second garda investigation has now begun into how the Sunday Tribune first found out about the hanging of the picture in the Portraits Gallery by painter Conor Casby.

However, a spokeswoman for the National Gallery would not confirm whether they had followed up on a threat to make a formal complaint about the purported “media leaks”. A statement said: “The National Gallery does not make specific comments on security issues for obvious reasons. However, they continue to be under constant review.”

When quizzed further about whether they had requested a second investigation by garda into the matter, they said: “As a matter of policy, the National Gallery of Ireland cannot comment publicly on matters relating to security issues.”

However, staff were called to a meeting with embarrassed gallery management on Thursday morning and warned that leaking information was a criminal offence.

One worker said: "The staff were warned they would be open to arrest under the Official Secrets Act and the Data Protection Act if they released information to reporters or the general public.

"From what we can gather, the Department of the Taoiseach was none too happy with what happened and what they perceived as the lax security that led to the incident in the first place.

“As far as the workers are concerned, there is a major shortage of manpower in the National Gallery and that was directly responsible for any breakdown in security.”

The Sunday Tribune has also learnt that another two breaches of security have taken place since the Cowen painting was hung almost a month ago on 7 March.

Eight days ago, a poster advertising an exhibition featuring nude portraits of Taoiseach Brian Cowen was hung in the Merrion Street lobby of the National Gallery. It was quickly removed by security staff.

On Monday, the pranksters were back and left leaflets featuring reproductions of the notorious Cowen painting with the caption “censor this” written across them.

The offending items were again removed and the garda were informed.

A National Gallery source said: "As far as the police are concerned, it was another case of guerrilla art. They aren’t getting too excited about it because they are chastened by what happened the last time they got involved.

“The suspicion is that it is art students who are responsible for the two latest incidents. The gallery has become an obvious target now, so security is on high alert.”

April 5, 2009




No offence or nothin mac.




No offence or nothin mac.[/quote]

Ah none taken at all MBB. You cunt.
