Garda visit radio station in Cowen painting inquiry

lads the country is in shit… people are loosing their jobs every day of the week… the last thing that should be on our minds is a fucking painting of biffo


You handicap.

[quote=“artfoley”]here’s some more cowen funnies[/quote]

Some very very talented people on that website in fairness.

this is my own favourite, would make a cracking t shirt

This is a cracker -

my fave

Well done Mac for highlighting this. For me this story has little to do with the picture of An Taoiseach. It is an insight into the sinister elements of An Garda Siochana who feel they can threaten ordinary people with the Offical Secrets Act over a triffling incident of this nature. This, coupled with their heavy handedness in their dealings with Today FM should be investigated by the Garda Ombudsman immediately. Not for the first time they have over stepped the mark with typically bully-boy tactics.

The irony of the guards threatening staff in the national gallery with leaks to the media is so stark as to be absurd. The guards are probably the biggest offenders of this act themselves with their retainers from every media outlet in the state. Leaks that are often mischievous, politically motivated and damaging to the public good.

I’m glad to see the Guards putting manners on crusty cunts like this. Tis no harm.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Well done Mac for highlighting this. For me this story has little to do with the picture of An Taoiseach. It is an insight into the sinister elements of An Garda Siochana who feel they can threaten ordinary people with the Offical Secrets Act over a triffling incident of this nature. This, coupled with their heavy handedness in their dealings with Today FM should be investigated by the Garda Ombudsman immediately. Not for the first time they have over stepped the mark with typically bully-boy tactics.

The irony of the guards threatening staff in the national gallery with leaks to the media is so stark as to be absurd. The guards are probably the biggest offenders of this act themselves with their retainers from every media outlet in the state. Leaks that are often mischievous, politically motivated and damaging to the public good.[/quote]
Whats the story with you and the cop hating SS** ?
Bad experience? You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder when it comes to the blue suits. It’s getting a bit boring at this stage, and predictable.
they are the biggest this, they are the worst that… etc.
Yours in nodding off,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Whats the story with you and the cop hating SS** ?
Bad experience? You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder when it comes to the blue suits. It’s getting a bit boring at this stage, and predictable.
they are the biggest this, they are the worst that… etc.
Yours in nodding off,

Garda Sean,

Most Guards are overpaid underworked over weight cunts on a power trip.

Yours etc…

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Whats the story with you and the cop hating SS** ?
Bad experience? You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder when it comes to the blue suits. It’s getting a bit boring at this stage, and predictable.
they are the biggest this, they are the worst that… etc.
Yours in nodding off,

So you’ve no comment to make on the Stasi-style Garda investigation into what amounts to nothing more than a very minor prank, GSH?

I don’t hate cops, I hate abuse of power.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]So you’ve no comment to make on the Stasi-style Garda investigation into what amounts to nothing more than a very minor prank, GSH?

I don’t hate cops, I hate abuse of power.[/quote]

I’ll run into your house and move things around some night and see if you think its a minor prank…

[quote=“HBV*”]Garda Sean,

Most Guards are overpaid underworked over weight cunts on a power trip.

Yours etc…[/quote]
Just like that overpaid overweight underworked Garda who just died while on duty.
He must have been the only fit, overpaid, underworked garda out there.
For Shame HBV. For Shame.
Most Guards blah blah blah. Go fuck yourself.

Yours in having respect for guys who die upholding the law instead of whining constantly about them,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Just like that overpaid overweight underworked Garda who just died while on duty.
He must have been the only fit, overpaid, underworked garda out there.
For Shame HBV. For Shame.
Most Guards blah blah blah. Go fuck yourself.

Yours in having respect for guys who die upholding the law instead of whining constantly about them,

Here here. Lord have mercy on him.

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]Just like that overpaid overweight underworked Garda who just died while on duty.
He must have been the only fit, overpaid, underworked garda out there.
For Shame HBV. For Shame.
Most Guards blah blah blah. Go fuck yourself.

Yours in having respect for guys who die upholding the law instead of whining constantly about them,

most of them are gsh, i see them daily flailing their 20 stone frames round the streets checking have you paid your parking, thats my opinion.
i never mentioned that poor lad but god rest his soul.

good work and a classy move by you bringing the poor fella into this after he died, for shame gsh.

You seem to like an aul generalisation there hbv…

Disappointed in HBV, thought he was down with the kids, but obviously not…

i wouldn’t be much of a fan of the guardai, and whether or not thats a generalisation? possibly is

I’d have more reason to dislike em than most, but I’d still respect em and realise they’re not all bad. I wouldnt do the job they’re doing anyway so good luck to them.

More politically motivated antics from the Gardai in Smithfield yesterday. Because our ‘betters’ in polite society want to close down Smithfield market the guards have all of a sudden decided to take a big interest in checking the passports of horses turning up at the market which means that only six horses could gain access to the market yesterday. This has never before happened at a fair in Ireland and if invoked everywhere would mean Cahermee, Puck, Ballinasloe would all have to close. My point is not whether it’s right or wrong for there to be a fair in Smithfield but for the guards to arbitrarily apply the law like this is nothing short of a disgrace in my opinion. Obviously political pressure from the mayor’s office has been brought to bear on the force to suit his agenda of forcing the fair to shut. That for me is bordering on fascist and just like the disproportionate response of the guards to two rogue paintings showing up in the National Gallery reflects terribly on them.

Is this teh unofficial Garda bashing thread?

if so I’d like to know why there were 40 or so detectives strong arming at the SF Easter commeration last monday whilst there were robberies and burgarlies going on down the road !