Gardai acting quite aggressively

I never saw it in 20 years of going to nite clubs.


I doubt we were frequenting similar clubs, we were talking about Costellos, the main alternative club in Limerick,
Have you never smelled weed at a busy gig?

Must have been a Limerick thing. I would have been at plenty of clubs of all types in Dublin and Londonnand I can’t say I ever noticed it.

It would have been very rarely that I saw it too. I was at a dance music night the night in question with some proper degenerates

Not a Limerick thing, that was the original point.
As a younger man I would seek out alternative clubs in various places, London and Dublin included, and it wouldn’t be unusual to see people smoking, in Cork, where I did most of my clubbing it would be very common in Henry’s or the Village at indie nights, anyway, not a big deal.

The last proper night out I had in a packed venue was a Fontaines gig in Limerick before Christmas and there was a fine smell of weed all throughout.

Some stats here.

Surely the question has to be what the fuck were they doing before??? Sitting around on their fat holes doing nothing??

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I’d say someone signed off on a shitload of OT

That’s been well publicised alright, fuckload assigned for overtime and a fuckload extra shifts put on.

so they released the stats for the week of the AIF and the week of the american football. both weeks when the capital would be full of tourists. they should be putting up the other weeks for comparison. id like to say im surprised the media hasnt looked for this, but im just disappointed

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Sure all the crime correspondents are just an extension of the Garda Press office


They were all saying that the Guards were doing all they can. The ones that were doing overtime just couldn’t do anymore and the rest, due to low morale, or being lazy bastards didnt want any.

McEntee throws €10m at them and they come out with stats like that !

Eh, have you ever watched the Wire?

I don’t watch television.

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The early seasons have a theme on stats. “Duking the stats” and the cops all it. (Juking?) Anyway an example is when they send a load of cops out to make a load of arrests and confiscations of small time criminals that they know will have zero positive impact on crime but they get to tell the politicians about how successful their recent crackdown was and what great work they’re doing.


Dope on the table


This thread reminds me of this case, I lived a few doors down from the victim and his family for a while. He was absolutely no angel. A guard challenged him to a fistfight one day which there were plenty of witnesses, which ended up with the officer getting a broken jaw. Four officers then stormed the family flat and beat him senseless as retribution. The guys been a complete mess ever since. A definite miscarriage of justice, with the law acting outside of the law.

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Were they convicted?

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I’d know of one of the guards in that case. Breathing a sigh of relief after was an understatement

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There was a follow up ransacking in Clare tonight and not a Garda in sight. Surely they’d have a car parked there at very least?