Gardai acting quite aggressively

bandit country

I see the Gardai are allocating massive resources to clamp down on dodgy boxes ā€¦ people being terrorised and this the priority!

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Where did you see massive resources?

This dodgy box pandemic needs sorting

When theyā€™re finished in Dungarvan/Ennistymon theyā€™ll be right on it

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I heard it on Matt Cooper. Some spokeswoman

Whatā€™s the back story to your man attacking the house with the shovel?

Thereā€™s a gold rush in Ennistymon at the moment , youā€™re man was following a lead .hence the shovel .


The news said it was legal letters issued to providers by a group representing the TV Stations. Made no mention of Gardai involvement.

Might as well be sending letters to Santa

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She made it quite clear it was a high priority for the Gardai . Even a cursory google says

Donā€™t bother me as I donā€™t have one. I do have an opinion that I would prefer resources were directed to genuine dangers to society however

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Who was she a spokesperson for?

This new Digital Services Act will apparently put an onus on ISPā€™s not to platform illegal services, however that will be enforced

I know someone who got his dodgy box from a Garda!

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Thereā€™s been a huge clamp down in pubs.

That must one shit job going into pubs and seeing if they have sky on illegally.

Prob the handiest job in the world - look out for the lack of the pint image on the screen, take a note, move on and print up a haype of similar letters and post them out to the offending premises

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I was in letterfrack last weekend and the pubowner told me she got whacked with a 3k fee recently from sky who had a fella come in and spot the dodgy box. Sheā€™s convinced someone ratted on them as the telly wasnā€™t on at the time and he struck up conversation with her son who was behind the bar at the time about showing some sporting event.

Thereā€™s touts everywhere!

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Surely there is a market for one of these apparent dodgy box providers to get the stream from the pub channel and sell to pubs. A sky sports with pint stream

They check what hardware youre running your sky on. If you havenā€™t a registered unit, and are.somehow showing sky, your goose is cooked.

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What if you had a house beside the pub, and threw a TV up in your house and it just so happened you could see it from the pub.

The sky sports fee is absolute extortion. Iā€™m surprised the competition authority or the EU or someone hasnā€™t been after them