Gardai acting quite aggressively


What would the court costs be there?

Would you talking about the costs from the original Circuit Court hearing being carried over to this? Probably more than the award anyway

Aye, the whole lot. Presume he was hoping for more than 10K anyway. Sounds like the ARU didn’t do much wrong really

Good to see overseas people assimilating so well into the compo entitlement culture.
We’ve matured as a nation.

Good Policing :clap:

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What did they do? Sounds serious?

I’m surmising its sinister stuff. Sinister.

Must have beaten a vulnerable young woman into making a false confession?

I’m a bit late with this but gardai broke up a gathering in temple bar on culture night and looked to been very heavy handed about it. There’s a number of complaints about it including that gardai used racist language, told someone to “go back to Africa”, allegedly.

The same gardai let less than a hundred far right scumbags block o’connell street and stop all traffic, buses and luases for hours a couple days before.

Was the person in question from Africa?

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Could have been Afrikaans…