Gardai acting quite aggressively

Christ, you think I was serious with that post :joy::joy::joy::joy:Jesus wept. By the way remind me weren’t you the one who said the recent referendums were a no brainier? Big stone, small glass house

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You’re very jumpy Paul since you mislaid your phone.

Give sis in law Ciara a buzz there she’ll sort it for you.


What’s all that Paul Connolly thing about? Who is he? I saw some guff about it on Twitter today but didn’t investigate any further.

A good pal of mine works with the Garda involved in this case.

As you can imagine, it has placed unbearable stress on him as this hangs over him awaiting a conclusion. If found guilty he’s potentially looking at a jail sentence, certain sacking from the job and worries over how he and his missus will pay their mortgage.

He has all the driving qualifications which can be undertaken by Gardai (a lot of Guards don’t have this so can’t drive a squad car, as daft as that sounds). They’re confident he’ll be acquitted but 12 strangers will determine his fate, some who possibly won’t be positively disposed to members of the Gardai.

Has been on to government and opposition TD’s but none of them will go on the record before the court case. Obviously none of them have the courage to come out pre trial and say this is farcical. Hiding behind the ‘can’t interfere with the legal process but we support you’ stuff.

Cowards. If he’s cleared they’ll be rushing to Twitter to say what an appalling way this was to treat someone doing their job, keeping people safe and how it should never have come to court.


Won’t take away the stress but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell he’ll be convicted by a jury.

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Thanks for the background. No doubt he was well intentioned and wasnt shirking responsibility. Strikes me as a man who would run into a burning house and put himself in harms way to serve his community. Now his life hangs in the balance. Its appalling. You’re right - cowards is only word to describe TDs that are not advocating on his behalf. Some will clamber steps of courthouse on the day hes hopefully acquitted.

Whatever about the rights or wrong of this case, you can’t see any possible issues with TDs out advocating for or against an accused in advance of a jury trial?

The word disgrace is much over used in this country but this is one case where it’s appropriate.

3 career criminals who contributed nothing to society.

He should. Will we get him one?

In that context of a jury trial its advisable to recluse yourself from public commentary about the case alright but you’d be hoping there would be some lobbying going on and back channels worked behind the scenes.

You’d be hoping there’d be back channelling from politician or others to a jury trial?

My understanding is that any Garda with a full licence but you need separate quals for using blue lights and sirens and another qualification for pursuit.

As it is Garda morale is in the sewer, large numbers leaving and a crisis at top level. So much for the blue shirts being the party of law and order

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My pal did the blue lights course years ago. His wife was pregnant at the time so he said to the instructor was there any chance he could drive it from Templemore to Cork so he could pop in as he didn’t want to miss the scan (this did happen apparently :man_shrugging:). Said he got to absolutely floor it the entire way. Has never driven as fast before or after.

My auld lad couldn’t drive the squad car as he’s colour blind :rofl:


Should have made myself clearer - it was local constituency TD’s who were approached.

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Timmy is the hero we need

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Ah sound

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