Gardai acting quite aggressively

Hey Cederic you cover starboard bow and il take the restā€¦

Itā€™s always advisable to avoid attacking a random person unprovoked, not carry a knife around and to not ignore instructions from armed Gardai.

Ruth Coppinger losing her seat was one of the highlights of 2020.


So it all boils down to the old Maxim " donā€™t bring a knife to a gunfight"


Not really. A samurai sword sounds far more lethal than the kitchen knife that poor lad was flashing today.

Can we expand this poll to consider yellows and browns also?

Spicks and Wops too

Or a free pint down at the yacht club

A few replies down to that tweet

Fuck him

Jedward are the voice of the irish SJWs. Bleating follow restrictions while they were praised for taking part in BLM marches in LA, which drove up the covid cases over there.

The replies under that tweet. People actually attempting to justify the shooting g to the dead manā€™s brother. The state of society

Itā€™s all a bit weirdā€¦ His brother taking to twitter a few hours after his deathā€¦ A go fund me nowā€¦


Jedward are and always were fuckbrains


Anyone who looks to them for reason can be put in the same category


Yeah real weird

If my brother was shot dead in front of me Iā€™d need to be sedatedā€¦ The younger generation just need social media.


Just saw the video . Have to say Iā€™m shocked.I never realized an alsatian and a pit bull could be such good friends.

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