Gardai acting quite aggressively

No? Your post above was clearly racist

Back to the March anyway , any updates ?

the gardai have confirmed that he had mental health issues

You’re a good Lego block :+1:

No it wasn’t I was on about black america all my references were american from the president nfl players actors .

Terribly sad.

Sad for the assaulted manager.
Sad for the family.
Sad for the Guard who had to shoot George.

An investigation into how George was being dealt with for his issues needs to be addressed.


Look mate, of course you are entitled to ask questions. I simply would have thought that you would be able to see what happened on the footage. For example it shows him charging at the Gardaí, hence my annoyance at the question ‘why was a Garda so close to him’?

Apologies for the impatience but it appeared to me that the questions were loaded, that’s all


I’m a very pleasant person.

I’ve a sneaky feeling yourself and @bill are as ignorant as ye appear to be on here. Paul Blart x 2

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Get fucked mate

I try not to do loaded.

Fair enough. As you said, it’ll all come out in the wash. A horrible business for all involved. I’m sure some flaws in the process they followed will be highlighted in the investigation, that’s the nature of them

Video shows that in that moment that Guard had no choice. None

How the situation got to that point is the serious question. Could the entire incident have been avoided?

HNY kid

Your the one coming across as a total cunt here, not me!

See my reply above to Esteban, I’m sure that there will be flaws found in the steps taken, it’d be very rare they’d come back and say yes ye did everything perfectly. I’m not sure how material or immaterial some of the recommendations would be though, how much of a difference they would have ultimately made


Nobody is saying this as the chap is not long cold, but the family have serious questions to answer too.

No they should have shot him from a safer distance. I presume the guards have rifles like.

I’ve been fairly courteous and have avoided responsing to your childish digs for a few days.

I dont really have much more to say to you fella so if you’re done we’ll leave it there ya


Quit trying to ram your opinions aggressively down other posters throats.

Debate your points.

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why so angry?