Gardai acting quite aggressively

Mate, you seem in the know of what went down.

Can you clear a few questions?

When the Gardai followed him home, along the way was he interacting aggressively with them?

When he got to his house did he try to enter or did he enter it?

Did his family within the house try to calm him down?

Did he physically assault the shop manager by punching him or did he also stab him? There seems to be various accounts of what happened in the shop floating around.

In the Abbeylara case was a cordon setup?
Did unarmed Gardai wait for ARU or ERU to arrive before interacting with subject?

For asking a few questions?

You’re well capable of coming across like a gowl as well fella.

I let it off as too much drink the other night but it’s clearly a case of a townie being anti Gardai.

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We all have a vested interest in this. There are calls by some for law and order to be cast aside.

I’m not anti gardai. I’ve friends and family in the force.

I think most guards do a fantastic job when they’re let but are hindered by a broken legal system…

I also happen to think when an Irish citizen is shot by the law it is deserving of more than the childish ignorant dismissal and borderline/overt racism displayed here.

I 100% don’t think this is a racially motivated thing. I also 100% think this could have been handled differently. But that’s my opinion. It will be investigated thoroughly

But carry on with your childish behaviour there.

I agree with just about everything you say apart from

Seems there are posters here who at least partially attribute race as bein a factor.

The main problem is that the investigation will take months likely and in the meantime arseholes will be holding “Justice for George” protests and stirring division.

It’s the old saying about a lie running a mile before truth gets its boots on.

Some lads are wlildy triggered altogether, positively foaming at the mouth. A cohort of rural simpletons who wouldn’t be able to point out Blanchardstown on a map have taken this issue to heart for some reason, I wonder what it could be


You coming across very high and mighty . Get off your high horse and stop roaring down to the mob .

I bet you wouldn’t show your friends and family in the force the absolute shit you have been posing here then because you would get a slap into the mouth!


Replies underneath the quotes above


Fuck off you racist cunt


My measured take on the incident with the information available to me is this,

George assaulted a Shop manager.

Gardai are called.

He clearly ignores their attendance. ( this is a red flag for me )

He casually walks home with Gardai all round him. ( another Red Flag - was he mentally stable ? ).

It would now appear the chap imo isn’t your standard skanger who’s botched robbery attempt would normally entail a chase.

George’s behaviour at his home and lead up to his shooting were aggressive, Gardai had no choice at that point.

Now, my knowledge of what happened before guns were fired is poor. But, to me he didn’t act like a run of the mill Robber in the situation.

It could be ( easy say it now ) that he was having an episode and wasn’t mentally sound.

Could the end game have been different is the key question?

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I’d ask them the same questions I’d ask here and theyd talk to me like reasonable adults that they are or if they couldn’t or wouldn’t explain would say so.

They arent overly aggressive man children like you who’ve done a security guard course.

You’re like a sinister paul blart mall cop


Would your tone be so smug as the one you are using here??

Cheers kid

I’m not a racist . Roaring and shouting around here like billy big balls.

He may have been on something pretty strong too, but yes it’s entirely possible he was having another ‘episode’ as it’s being put

Theres a good run down of the abbeylara thing on Wikipedia.

On here telling your ‘war stories’ , ha ha :rofl: pathetic.