Gareth Southgate

Southgate let down by gutless Cunt from a nothing club

Italy in the European qualifiers next March, the new manager needs to be appointed soon, Southgate has proven he can’t win with probably the best squad we ever had, subbing Saka?? unless he was injured, what was he at? Bringing on Jack Grealish with 30 seconds to go??

Thats more time than he gets for his club

Agreed. I don’t follow it that closely, but it was very apparent last night that Coach Southgate was out of his depth. Not Officer Class after all. He has to go.

The FA need to back Southgate and not listen to the views of the reactionary English footix


Personally think England will struggle to get of Euro’s group. Italy and Ukraine 2 good teams.

Maybe. No more than Italy or Ukraine will struggle. Depends on the wheels staying on England. If the squad is tight knit, they’ll be equally tough. They are never far from implosion though. SAF poisoned the English setup for years. Him being gone is one of the biggest pluses for them. He was a wonderful shithouse.

I hope Southgate stays. If a top class manager came in I would be worried.

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Southgate can only play the hand hes dealt. He has too many players playing in a diddy league.

They battered Ukraine at the Euros and will do again Id say. Nothing to fear against Italy.

England are a brilliant sude really, just lack an elite centre back and keeper.

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Coach Southgate has got us through some minor skirmishes over the years. Last night was Agincourt for this generation of English footballers though. The real test. A de-facto World Cup final. We essentially lost a match we should have won because Coach Southgate wasn’t brave and bold enough in marshalling the troops in the field.


The keeper on the bench looks really good any time I saw him.

Do you not get bored of trolling mate?

I think they have an issue with his playing outand kicking. Pickford’s I suppose…wingspan was an issue on the first goal, to me.

Joe Harte looks better than pigford. Nicer too. Less of a loudmouth.


He is more talented athletically, Hart was a great talent but probably didnt have the intelligence/concentration levels allied with the playing out thing. Pep fucked him though, replaced him with a bombscare mexican midget who couldnt play out either. Pep has spunked some money on rapists, brazilian journeymen fullbacks and midget keepers before he got Cancelo, Ederson and Walker.

Hart till around 14 was an excellent traditional keeper.


It would be classic England to get rid of a man who has it in him to lead them to a title. Like how they tossed Venables and later Big Sam

2 world cup failures, he should have won this one with the dross left in the competition, couldn’t beat a useless France last night who are the best left in it. Threw away the European championships at home against a useless Italy last year with his negativity, the man has had enough chances at this stage, this is the best Team England has ever had, especially up front, this fucker can’t be allowed to ruin them anymore


He was Chilean I think. You wouldn’t go too far wrong with a Mexican in your goal.

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