GDPR Discussion

Do keep up.

I’m currently doing online training for a GDPR management system in schools. There’s a lot to take in and a lot of responsibility for the assigned data protection officer, Head teacher and head of computing in schools.

Correct, particularly as you are dealing with children’s data. I know the government here were trying to make state bodies, government depts etc exempt from the fines etc, not sure how that went.

No such luck over here. Schools liable for everything.Thankfully this software seems to collate all the systems that are used in schools. Which will alleviate some pressure. It’s the paper based stuff that is causing an issue. As retention of pupil data varies from DoB plus 6years to Time in school to DOB plus 20 years for Special needs pupils.

Once you have your policies and procedures in place and are seen to be doing (or at least trying to do) the right thing then you should be ok.

Yea that’s what the person running the training has said. There’s been a lot of panic from people about it. Most of it is needless. The DfE over here has even said it expects schools to have a lot of internal breaches to begin with!

@TreatyStones is really playing a blinder here. Answering queries in a confident and assured manner.

I’d imagine businesses like sky, Vodafone etc who have a large customer base ( and probably a decent % of customers who are pissed off with them) are going to be driven demented with requests over the next few months. If people start going to courts and winning settlements for personal data breaches you’ll have a stream of people chancing their arm.

What’s GDPR and how does i affect me?

It probably won’t affect you directly, but really the company employing you should be getting you to sign up to privacy policy/NDA so you don’t reveal any personal information you come across when cleaning the offices.


Great. Cheers.

@mac is happy to spend his cash/time drinking at the rugby and taking photos of men’s arses but when it comes to spending time/money with his own kids he won’t splash out a euro or two for their happiness.


Exactly. I’d rather spend it on something they’d enjoy


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Does anyone know how to recall emails?


Just hit delete mailbox

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Don’t ever try this. It sends other mails to explain that the first one is being withdraw, drawing more attention to your fuckup. It’s a pure bollox of a function.

FFS sake Amber. His post was a quip based on the post above it.

