GDPR Discussion

Treble bluff?

Have I fallen for it?

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2 minutes to go


How do I stop the emails?

Here we go :exploding_head:.
Got an email from a cunt I work with. He has serious mental health issues. I’ve a ream of paperwork in a filing cabinet relating it various cases he had taken against HR and co workers etc.
He has emailed me enquiring what info the union holds on him. If I just go now and delete all emails and shred all papers and letters relating to him I’ve nothing on him only his DOB, staff number, email, home address and commencement date with this department. I’m ok to give him this within 30 days ?


Can you remember the postman pat one. That thing must have cleaned a couple of million easy.

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It would be illegal to do that (under the new and old rules). Nothing stopping you chancing your arm but it could lead you into far more bother. He probably already has copies of a lot of that information and if he produces a copy of something you say you don’t have then it could open a whole other can of worms around violating retention policies etc.

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Give the cunt a written warning and tell him to stop wasting your time. The fucking eejit. It was alright up today. He’s only being a vexatious cunt.

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That’s all he is. A sad prick that has a young family at home but his hobby is writing to HR and his union secretary with perceived issues.

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I have one of these types pestering me on a weekly basis, dangerous bastards.

Brimmer has encrypted his filing cabinet.

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Welcome to the new world order

Probably tied up with bailing twine

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You’d want your head examined to have anything derogatory about anyone on file or email these days.

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The cloud is the place for this stuff

Technically his info should have been destroyed years ago. But I held onto it.
Sure aren’t I clean as a whistle if I destroy everything but his contact details ?

This little bastard drives me mad. At lest 2 issues per week, all minor irrelevant shite, every so often the manager snaps and has a go at him, he then instigates an episode of accusing the manager of bullying him and runs to me to defend him.
A sad cunt, believe this if you like but he rang me from the hospital 90mins after his last child was born to say the manager had tried to saddle him with extra work and he wasn’t going to do it !!!
I told him to fuck back into his wife and cop himself on.


If it’s in your retention policy that the info should have been destroyed by now then you might get away with it. It depends who else knows it’s there. If he’s contacting you with stuff every week then you must have a lot of stuff that is still within the scope of your retention policy.

Your best solution here is to tell him you will pass on his request to your unions DPO as you aren’t authorised to handle such requests.

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Nope. As the man said, if he produces a piece of paper about an issue that you claim not to have/never have, you will be fucked. (If that’s possible in the civil service of course).

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