General Comedy Quotes Thread

We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784956, member: 24”]We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’[/quote]

Not a little gem.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784956, member: 24”]We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’[/quote]
What was he? Illiterate??

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784956, member: 24”]We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’[/quote]

Go back to the Inbetweeners lads. I think there is someone on it shitting their pants.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784956, member: 24”]We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’[/quote]

Remember that time in Friends when Joey liked eating pizza.:smiley:

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784956, member: 24”]We already have a thread on Classic Simpsons Quotes but this is a thread for quality quotes from other comedies.

This little gem from Friends with the wonderful Hank Azaria (voice of Moe and Wiggum in the Simpsons). He played David, Phoebe’s ex boyfriend. Here he is conceding defeat in the battle for Phoebe’s heart to Mike.

‘Perhaps I hadn’t gone to Minsk, things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn’t have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip!’[/quote]

Stick to music farmer, youll never cut it as a comedy snob

This must be one of the worst thread opening posts in TFK history.

It’s actually a decent thread idea but to use a line from Friends as the opening post…dear me.

Indeed. All the great comedies and all the great lines at his disposal and that’s what farmerinthecity came up with. Deary me.

Sorry if this brings back some painful memories farmerinthecity

Friends is a quality comedy. Dismissed in an almost snobbish manner by some because birds like it as well and as a result it gets overlooked.

Dreadful stuff alright. And what a lame fucking line too.

This is an absolute cracker of a scene. :smiley: :clap:

The quiz for the apartment between Monica/Rachel and Chandler/Joey is one of the best pieces of comedy TV in the past 20 years, fuck those cunts farmer.

Not a quote, but Slapsgiving from HIMYM is another top notch moment.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 784981, member: 24”]Friends is a quality comedy. Dismissed in an almost snobbish manner by some because birds like it as well and as a result it gets overlooked.[/quote]Monica voice - “I know!!!” Chandler voice - “Eh, could it be any more overlooked?” Then Phoebe does something “kooky”. She’s such a card.

In case you can’t tell I was being sarcastic.

In keeping with my avatar there are rakes of quotes from Futurama, one of the most underappreciated comedies for years, can’t believe it was eclipsed by the likes of Family Guy and the Family Guy knock offs that recycled the same stuff for years.

Zap Brannigan
“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards… checkmate!”

“Brannigans law is like Brannigans love, hard and fast.”

“Full price for gum? That dog won’t hunt monsignor.”

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 784988, member: 1533”]In keeping with my avatar there are rakes of quotes from Futurama, one of the most underappreciated comedies for years, can’t believe it was eclipsed by the likes of Family Guy and the Family Guy knock offs that recycled the same stuff for years.

Zap Brannigan
“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards… checkmate!”

“Brannigans law is like Brannigans love, hard and fast.”

“Full price for gum? That dog won’t hunt monsignor.”[/quote]

“Crawling back like a bird on its belly - delicious”

The Future Stocks episode of futurama is one of the best half hours of comedy you will see

“Hello go fuck yourself”

The Iron Sheik :clap: