General Comedy Quotes Thread

That’s absolute genius. What a cameo character that IT guy was. :clap:

Came first last time I went. 8 minutes 51. Got a certificate.

Matthew Holness is the actor’s name.

Don’t be pulling that falling down the stairs shit on me.

Fuck ya farmer just lost an hour scrolling through the rest of the links-what a fucking show.:clap:

The office was/is shit.

Fuck off. Cunt.

The Office is the best comedy made since Fawlty Towers, its been on gold the last few Saturday nights,'you don’t see heels like those anymore ’

It’s utter wank.

Take that back you fucking prick.


I admire your fortitude while detest your taste in comedy. Big fan of the new Two and a Half men are you, bro?

You have no credibility around here after this.

Two and a half men is pure shite.

I don’t need validation from the herd, pal. I just wish you would be your own man for once.

Sometimes the popular things are actually good, mate. No need to rail against them just to be different.

I’ve no problem rowing in behind something mainstream, pal. But only if I enjoy it.

:clap: Fuck that Gervais cunt and his sycophants.