General Election 2016

They can’t kick Gerry out yet as he still controls elements like Slab Murphy.

I don’t count Labour as a party anymore their finished imo, lucky to get 4/5 seats.

FG are obviously promising to cut everything, FF same up to a threshold of 70k.

Don’t believe either of them, Social Democrats (who aren’t a party really either) have said they’re going to leave it alone until they can see how the world economy is going to get on over the next 12 months which seems the most prudent.

SF - I don’t know obviously, but no one else does either which is laughable.

Bobby Sands changed Sinn FĂ©in’s approach in the north. This is documented history.

Bobby Sands didn’t run for SF.

A party who runs as abstentionist is obviously not fully committed to constitutional politics, I’m sure you would agree. The two elements, the IRA and SF could not thrive together, one was at the expense of the other.

Sinn FĂ©in treat Westminister the exact same way today mate.

Labour aren’t finished. They went up and down in the 80s and 90s as well. They have a bedrock of support in the Unions. Sinn Fein will have taken some of that but there will always be a place for the Labour Party in this country.

Once SF get into power and go their natural route to being just like FF there’ll be a gap for them.

[quote=“Tim_Riggins, post:2858, topic:21776, full:true”].

What is your opinion of the founding members of Fianna FĂĄil and the current rump called Sinn FĂ©in ignoring democracy? All the name of Nationialism. Both groups rejecting Marxism.

I would call that pretty facist but apparently you had to have a funny salute for that to he the case.

I’m sure in your head it seemed reasonable, maybe even sensible, to come up with your own definition for fascist. When you bring that online, you just come across as a lunatic I’m afraid.

In general, it’s easier to have a reasonable debate if you stick to the actual meaning of words.

Who did Adams work for back in the 80s when you say he bought these properties?

He also owned a pub/nightclub in letterkenny during this period that he offloaded/transferred around the time he realized ‘the war’ couldn’t be won and began embracing mainstream politics.

They lied to their core supporters in 2011 mate, and deserve to get a proper hiding in this election.

Joan Bruton as a leader as well is suicidal for them.

You’re correct in that.

But the more I indulge you in talking about the political system in the O6, the more it becomes obvious how uninformed you are of the basic tenets of the political situation during the troubles. Stormont was dissolved from 1986 to post GFA. Sinn Fein ran as abstentionist from all constitutional politics in the O6, except at local council level until the GFA.

Clearly, you are lacking in a basic knowledge of the O6 to take your views seriously.

The ERSI said lower income workers don’t pay enough tax actually. Did you read the actual report or just the headline?

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Your perversion of history is gas. I’ll give it to you that you are committed to a troll line.

I don’t think he can read, or else his only acting the bollocks.[quote=“Tim_Riggins, post:2878, topic:21776, full:true”]
The ERSI said lower income workers don’t pay enough tax actually. Did you read the actual report or just the headline?

You didn’t seem to be aware that SF were abstentionist to any form of constitutional politics with the exception of local council politics in the O6. That’s a fairly big own goal when you’re trying to debate the mainstream popularity of the party with the nationalist community in the O6 at that time.

Kevin Myers :joy:


What is your opinion on their policies on Agriculture for example?

@Sidney , here’s what your crowd the anti fascists have to say about SF/IRA. :smile: Didn’t you March with these boys 2 weeks ago?

Six million Jews, thousands of political dissidents, homosexuals, Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war and the disabled were put to death by the fascist hate machine that overran and terrified Europe from 1939 to 45. Sean Russell was one of many nationalist fanatics who looked to Hitler for political and military support in the IRA’s quest to reunify Ireland at the point of the bayonets of the Gestapo. At the Wannsee conference, the infamous Nazi gathering that planned the “Final Solution”, the Jewish community in Ireland was marked down for annihilation. Having freed Ireland from British rule, the Nazis expected their collaborators to help them round up Dublin’s Jews and ship them off to Auschwitz. That was the price Sean Russell was prepared to pay to end partition.[12]

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Why don’t you tell me, pal. You clearly seem to know something about it and have an opinion. Just articulate it there for me.

What is your opinion on it Rocko? You still won’t answer that.

The history of FG (incl CnG as a previous incarnation) and Labour in this country is as democratic political parties who did not subvert the will of the people. CnG handed over power in 1932 to FF. They took control away from the Army. They gradually removed the gun from Irish politics in the 20s including the formation of an unarmed police force. Some of their members played dress up in the early 30s, when it was fashionable in Europe and they were told to piss off to fight with Franco after a while such was the embarrassment.

The founders of Fianna FĂĄil in the early years of this state did not accept the will of the people. They continued to murder people including the Minister for Justice. After realising the folly (and after much bloodshed), they decided to accept democracy. Much like CnG before them they were ruthless in shutting down elements trying to subvert the state.

Provisional SF decided in 1986 to accept this state. Of course they had a few embarrassing moments, killing a police officer whilst robbing a post office was hardly the hallmarks of a democratic movement but we’ve got there eventually.