General Election 2020 Hub

Did I miss it or was there not much talk of health tonight?

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Is Claire a bit touched or something? Why are they all thanking her for doing what she gets paid for?

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he knows everything

If you’re going to claim that a hundred years of FF/FG rule has left problems, as RBB does, you need to accept that it’s created one of the richest countries in the world


Yeah he is made for these events really.

Yeah - hardly any. A bit weird really

He did ok but the rest bar shortfall were poor .

If this was in America they’d all be thanking the venue in a very schmaltzy way.

she’s around long enough now

the majority of the population are on under 30k , rents and cost of living are outrageous… Define rich

an enigma

RBB stumbled on something very true there with the Irish being snobby towards public housing compared to the Europeans. . Paddy would prefer to be mortgaged up to the eye balls and eatin pot noodle in his house every evening so people think he’s doing well than live in with the perceived low borns on the council estate…


Very underwhelming “debate” to be honest.

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If you’re going to claim it’s one of the richest countries in the world there’s not much excuse for the state of public services and provisions.

Micheál “and you come down here” Martin of the self-styled Republican Party. What a gimp.


That’s it, they are our leaders, simpletons.

I am voting Social Democrats now. My mind is not for turning

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Mary Regan of RTE here looks like the daughter in The Addams family.