General Election 2020 Hub

By any, and I really mean any, commonly accepted comparator of income, wealth, quality of life - when compared to other countries of the world

Helluva take

Like the Irish football team, their best chance is victory to just survive for as long as possible and the nick it right at the end.

Firstly - I’m not claiming it, it’s fact.

That doesn’t take away from your point but while there are issues in Ireland we should acknowledge the large amount of positives too.

I’m an hour behind. Eamon Ryan is some geek. His giddiness when Claire Byrne came to him first for the climate change question was endearing. “Damn right our time is now.”

Are you mad? We can’t do that, that’s insane. It’s ingrained in us to complain and seek the negative despite tripping over positives. Our national broadcaster thrives on it, in fact survives on it

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Wait til you see what she said to Leo :heart_eyes:, I’d say she’s trying to turn him

She wouldn’t be the first from kings county with a horn for Leo

Fionnuala Sherry on this Spin Room show - another lightweight. “He got the first whoop-whoop” :roll_eyes:

Looking like a real possibility


Rural Ireland does nothing but complain. Young people around Dublin rightly complain because they’re hamsters on a wheel paying extortionate rents with no prospect òf buying a house within reasonable commuting distance. People feel they are being priced out of life.

And they think food grows on supermarket shelves :roll_eyes:

For fuck sake… Typical establishment bluster… That’s mean, not median… Median gives a far better indication of wages and it’s much lower.

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Ah, so we have it now. It’s grand for rural folk to complain but urbanites should shut up.

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Fuckin hell talk about death by analysis.

“Leo got some laughs there earlier, when he was asked about the drug question he said ‘I’m not going to pause tonight’ and he got some laughs from the audience”

Yes, we know, we watched the debate.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy why was the climate emergency discussed through the prism of the suckler herd? Was that to stifle your beloved Greens?

Mary Lou had the biggest and best put downs tonight. That’s what the Irish people really want.

I think FF would be happy for an election tomorrow - I suspect they’ve hit their high water mark and Martin isn’t helping them. They’ve SF coming for them hard on one side and an aggressive FG on the other side.

You began with a divisive comment and I responded accordingly. I’d prefer a mutually respectful outlook and approach.