General Election 2020 Hub

And we all know how nasty the blue shirts can get

Aidan Regan has been taken apart on the facts in the replies. Leo didn’t say average person - he said average in full-time employment. It suits Aidan agenda to make this “mistake” but fairly average from an academic

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You must have had your trousers down with all the shouty student union stuff from RBB?

This Fran McNulty is another lightweight RTE personality.

Throw it up so

Varadkar performed very well tonight. Though I must say the FG fight back over the past 24-48 hours after a disastrous start to the campaign has been led by @tallback.


That’s some back of the envelope figure from someone isn’t it?

It includes part time workers. Part time workers will include students living rent free at home. Part time workers will even include households where one could be earning an excellent salary and the other working part time to stay in the workforce.

It will also include those on taxable pensionable incomes. That skews things considerably.

The EU last did a survey in 2014 and came out with a median wage of €41k for workers in companies with 10+ employees. With a discount for smaller firms offset by wage inflation, I still think it’s fair to assume its closer to €40k than €30k.

The FG/SF coalition will unite the forum


Fuck SF. I’m voting FG now.

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Still 20/1, I’ve just gone back in

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FF trying to be all things to all men isn’t working. They are falling between two stools here and Leo & Mary-Lou are making hay.

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Leo has been very specific on why he won’t go into coalition with SF - central criminal court and high tax policy. Those sound like things that could be compromised in a program for gov :man_shrugging:


They’re already getting ready to compromise on the Central Criminal Court

The big challenge here will be his tanaiste having to ring Belfast every time a decision needs to be made.

By God, there was another debate and I missed it.


Get the fuck out of town. Joe Higgins worked for years for this country. Even Bertie the fuckingnsnake admitted he was a lad he’d love to have in ff. Claire Daly is gone. Served her time. Jumped on the gravy train faster than you can shout ‘expenses’. When it came to the vote about saving drowning children in the Mediterranean,she abstained. Just didn’t turn up. FG RIGHTLy got attacked, but she blanked it entirely.


That’s a lovely rant.

An interesting case study for a political science student would be to force them to read TFK for a semester and then try and figure out why the subjective review of the majority of TFK posters is directly opposed to this report. Particularly when it comes to Martin, who was rated about 1/10 by TFK’s finest, and yet won the debate according to these “journalists”.

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