General Election 2020 Hub

42 is the answer to life the universe and everything I suppose…



I get that.

You’re great altogether. I’d imagine anyone who ever opened a book got that.


You’re raging because I got it before you.


Something for everyone. Puts me off them to be honest. More of the same politics

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I am too but I love elections

I’d have no issue with the extra €42 if it was part of some sort of step down payment after becoming unemployed, but €42 extra for everyone on the dole surely acts as a disincentive to work.

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This tweet seems to have backfired a bit given the responses

Imagine thinking Mickey Martin is a posh boy

Even worse when your leader is privately educated herself.

That’s gender quota’s for you. Doesn’t matter if a person is competent at their job as long as the balance is right to satisfy the screaming Mary’s


We’ll see how many mornings for the rest of the campaign that the Independent app leads with an anti SF headline


I see Sinn Fein are trying to increase pension age to 66 in the north and want to cut it to 65 south of the border. :sweat_smile:


I heard Sinn Féin will be giving everyone an extra months child benefit in July each year. Wahey

Money tree :moneybag:! Money tree :moneybag:!

Eoin O’Brion has a real Politburo look about him. After Peadar’s comments yesterday lets hope he never goes to Mexico on holidays.

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No more heroes

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I think there are better ways to use that money but at the same time it makes a lot more sense than FG’s first time buyers handout which is the very definition of magic money tree economics and literally an exact repeat of failed FF Celtic Tiger policy. SF are at least proposing to allocate money where it would have a real benefit to families whereas FG are proposing a shameless hand out to developers and banks.


and she keeps referring to the “workers”, who work in retail, building sites, factories, assuming that only those people are f*cked when it comes to making ends meet. Wankers paradise.

Yeah - I wouldn’t be a big fan of the first times buyers handout. Like “affordable” homes it only benefits a small sub-set too which I think is unfair. The SSIA type thing is even madder.

michael healy rae :clap: