General Election 2020 Hub

Yeah but still - Sinn Fein.

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Holy shit.

Imagine, standing back and looking for a way to stand out and this is the best you come up with …

It’s a good thing 90% of politicians aren’t heard from between elections. Most of them aren’t safe to be left out in public.


Fianna Fáil are committing about €11 billion over the period 2021-2025 above what is already in budgets, I think FG are something similar. SF in comparison are committing about €22 billion in the same time period.

I think it’s quite reckless and while the other parties have some shameless vote-buying even FF at their boom-time peak weren’t going as big as this.

Tis no wonder her offices are being fire bombed by the Ra.

GPS tracking could have saved that girls life potentially.

not taking her to the jungle would have definitely saved her life

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They’re running scared now.Terry Prone,is that auld cuntflap not dead yet?

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Fianna Fail proposing to ban in-play betting in Ireland :see_no_evil:


Because, and I’m quoting from Jim O’Callaghan (FF) here

“If you look at sports, we are allowing sports to be hijacked by the gambling industry.”
“Once a match starts, we would not allow gambling to take place.”

Isn’t most of the money made from dodgy matches made from in-play betting?

Yes. :frowning:


Someone needs to take on PP but this isn’t the way to do it.