General Election 2020 Hub


Some slap at @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy there.


Bookies are the only ones I know of that don’t commit a crime when knowingly accept stolen money… oh and the Irish government do too.

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Hopefully. Leopardstown racecourse is prime development land. Could easily build social housing for 20k people on it alone.

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That would solve the homeless situation in Dublin in one go.

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You could build plenty of homes in Shelbourne Park as well. But look at what Harolds Cross cost the taxpayers…

He fairly nailed her there. The screeching went up another octave or two in reply.

Ban advertising for gambling companies. Take it out of the mainstream. Very effective (amongst other measures) for smoking. Us degenerates will still have a go but it’s far too widespread now.

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Be fair bold of the electorate to elect her

I’d say there’s a few other FG TDs wouldn’t mind if they could distance themselves from the party at the minute

They wouldn’t of elected her anyway, she was being groomed to take over when Richard Briton retired after the he next election.

Not you!


There was a Naoise chap who nearly got in there last time, why he not on ticket I wonder?

Naoise O Muiri

Aontú knocked on the door to me tonight. They’ve flyers coming in the door all week to me as well. Wonder who’s paying for it? Their fella here has no hope, you’d imagine they’d be focusing their resources if they were short of them :thinking:

He won the constituency selection vote last time which caused them a huge headache. They had committed to Stephanie Regan running for gender quotas and she came second in their selection process I think so then had to add Bruton and run three. And they put Regan #3 on their strategy and she wasn’t happy.

Not sure if he ran for selection this time or not. I think Terence Flanagan rejoined FG from Renua and he had been the previously anointed successor to Bruton before he jumped ship.

Terence Flanagan. Best interview ever.

Remind me…

George Soros and Opus Dei

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