General Election 2020 Hub

What a cunt.


My analysis

Ryan.the big winner
Mary Lou very good
Leo bad
Martin woeful


can’t say fairer than that.

He’s responsible for all the red dust? What a prick.

I’m afraid Leo wins this one hands down :man_shrugging:

Leo and Mary Lou it is

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If Mary Lou was leader of FF she’d walk the election.

Holy Jeysuz but Catherine Murphy was brutal.

Lads Meeehawl is septic. Leo makes mince meat of him in debates. Howlin did OK actually. Mary Lou did well too i thought.

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MaryLou, MaryLou, MaryLou.

Sinn Gael it is.

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Leo has made up ground with the debates
Martin has lost ground
Mary Lou has held her own at a minimum

I think it will be very close between the 3 of them on election day.


Mary Lou was imperious tonight.


Leo probably clearer over both nights on policy and plans, but she landed more haymakers over both debates.

Norah Casey is an awful dose

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His haircut is better than Neville’s . A shocking modern day combover

Neville fucked off to Australia after being elected to the Limerick council. He should never be elected to public office ever again.

With his three piece suits , I am waiting for him to produce snooker cue…
Not a fan of him at all. Lots of spoof talk.


Hon Richard :ronnyroar:

Cc @dodgy_keeper

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