General Election 2020 Hub

Leo was kind of irrelevant last night – I wonder was he told step back a little and let SF / FF go at it…

When is the next poll out? FF will surely have lost ground.

A politician who gets things done.

A politician you can believe in.

In ROD we trust.

According to the Leader

There has been significant gamble on independent Richard O’Donoghue who is currently as short as 4/1.

A spokesperson for the bookmaker said 72% of wagers in Limerick are on the former Fianna Fail man.

what tool do I use to compress a video again?

Catherine Murphy from Soc Dems did not preform well.


Just upload to Streamable and post the link.

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She was very poor. It’s a pity because I think she is a decent sort and a competent politician but just not a good debater. The Social Democrats would be better off sending out Roisin Shortall for all these debates. While she is no Mary Lou she is a lot better debater than Murphy.

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Her communication skills are poor but she’s still one of the best TDs. She was the only TD in her constituency not to claim full travel expenses. Her claim was 20-30k. The others all maxed out at 70k.

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Missed it last night. What do you folk make of PBP? Rabble rousers or something in them?

A political party with two leaders is a nonsense.

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Literally buying votes :joy:

We go again


The mood music is ramping up between FG and SF, 8 days out I am predicting an FG/SF/Green government.

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Well done. I’ll donate €100 to SF if you can get MaryLou to give @Horsebox a mention in an interview/press conference/ any way publicly.

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Never say never in politics but this would go down terribly with their core vote and members. Lines it up for FF next time too.


FF will have been out of power for fifteen years if that happens.

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And they’ll be the clear opposition. Sets them up well for next time

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Bryan Dobson is absolutely filleting Micheál Martin here.


Typo in the manifesto apparently. :joy: