General Election 2020 Hub

Wasn’t their some perceived wisdom in political circles in advanced of this that Martin was a great debater? They said it was where he’d really shine through?

The man shouldn’t be left next nor near a microphone. And he’s the best godhelpus they have as well. The rest of them are worse

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What you think about my manifesto?
Said I like your manifesto, can I put it to the spelltesto?

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It will be interesting to see if the underrating of FF in the polls is still a thing

When is the next poll due?

Martin was shambolic there. It was hilarious.

These are my policies if you don’t like them I have others

He was destroyed on policy when Dobson drilled down and pressed him on specifics rather than letting him away with generic “we’re going to build x houses”, “we’re going to invest y in health” type answers.

If he was from any other county he’d have been out ages ago. He is not a leader.


There was. Can’t say I’ve seen much evidence of it so far. He’s mainly come across as a cranky Cork bollocks.

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Cc @anon61878697

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What Sinn Fein transfers? I’d say most people in Limerick County don’t even know the SF chaps name

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No idea.

I must listen to it and see if Richard got a mention.

Yates hasn’t a breeze.

That is some spoof.
The Sinn Fein candidate has been anonymous in the campaign so far and Sinn Fein never poll well in West Limerick (mainly due to doing no ground work).

What odds are Celtic bookmakers giving ??


Tis a pity I wasn’t the legal age to bet when Celtic Bookmakers was around. I’d like to have hit them for a few quid.


Here’s his prediction for the last election

He predicted Danny Healy Rae wouldn’t get in :man_shrugging: