General Election 2020 Hub

Seamus Browne got a few votes in 2016.

SF saying the distribution of their votes will have a big say on who will get in according to Yates.

He also reckons FF are targeting O Donovan’s seat by putting in another NCW man in Michael Collins to perhaps split the NCW vote…

Classic cuntsplaining.

The SF candidate in County Limerick lives in Glenbrook in the middle of the City and got walloped out his seat in the local elections. He’ll hardly have a deposit worth of votes to transfer to anyone.

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I’d die happy to see Patrick O Donovan lose his seat. Not gonna happen tho. The people of county limerick are thick enough to believe him when he thinks the Ira were behind the Dublin/Monaghan bombings

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I think O’Donovan is as safe as houses. He’s a decent worker, to be fair to him, and is generally well thought of locally. The big NCW base will see him home.

Possibly the most boring constituency in the country. I think someone from the PD’s got in for one term back in the 80’s but other than that it has always been 2 FF and 1 FG or vice versa. Back in the 50’s at one stage it was 3 FF apparently.

The largesse of the Sports Capital scheme won’t hurt him either

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Is O’Donovan married?

A lot of clubs around did benefit from those grants in recent years. That won’t be forgotten too easily.

If there is a FG seat in doubt it’s surely Neville’s but he’ll probably have enough of Dan’s old vote to be safe too.

The abject state of the Regional is the main issue locally though.

Yes. Married to the daughter of a prominent local FG councillor who has served a good few terms in the Adare-Rathkeale electoral area.

Leo should go for it with Mary Lou.
Enda took in Gilmore and destroyed the Labour Party.
FG are on the wane but will never die, hitch up with SF and watch that party implode.

Another Left leaning party will be fucked by Association so to speak.


FG recovering (despite horrendous shit)
FF falling apart
Sf rising all the time.

That’s my guess


Varadkar has performed well in the tv debates so far, to be honest. Better than Martin at any rate.

SF continuing to rise will be the main story.

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Thats my own reading of it. You could see the 3 of them pretty much tied around 23%.

I told you weeks ago SF will get 21 seats.

Yates said Willie O’Dea might be slyly asking for people to put Frankie Daly no 2 in the city?! That cant be true.

FF hit the front too early and it hopefully gave people time to contemplate the appalling vista of them getting back in. Martin has had a shocker and the paucity of talent within FF has been glaring. Varadkar has had a surprisingly good campaign, his clear, measured style of speaking is hitting home and making an impact. In terms of those who will vote for neither, ie. me, the distinct impression I’m getting is that FG are the lesser of two evils in terms of providing the next Taoiseach. I look foward to a FG/SF/Green coalition. It’s about the best we can get.


That’s been well reported.
The leader had an article on it a few weeks back.