General Election 2020 Hub

God sometimes works in mysterious ways.


He’s the cut of Ray Burke in terms of his manner. I find him immediately detestable when I see him on the telly.


I got the planning you mad bastard, under the rainbow coalition apparently. When I was about 14 i believe.

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The door he slammed was originally a front door but when a successful planning application changed the orientation of the house by 90 degrees the door he knocked on eventually became a side door. This reorientation of the House allowed unfettered construction to what was previously the side of the house but was now the rear.

Separately the local Labour Party benefitted from a substantial donation and a future councilor lodged at the (now expanded) house for a number of years but no record of any rent paid has ever been recovered or declared.

John McCoy

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1987 -

Talk on Twitter that the poll shows SF leading overall.

it will never happen…not even in a poll.

Any link?

That would be quite something.

Paul Williams would need to be sedated.

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An online poll so possible. I don’t think it reflects what will happen. The world will lose its shit if the rumours are true though :joy::joy:


Well it is an online poll. That’s fact so I’m not sure what cracks you up :man_shrugging:


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I was laughing at online polls in general. Absolute waste of time. 90% of FF voters have never used a computer

Yeah fair enough - I possibly overreacted in response! I’d agree - wouldn’t rate them particularly highly

@tallback not taking news of SF doing well in the polls too well

Paddy Cosgrove is in the RA.