General Election 2020 Hub

The trouble for S.F. is that if they do that well they will have to go in to power. Then the fun will start .

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1 FF 2 SF 3 FG is what I’m hearing.

How many SF candidates are running?

Nowhere near enough to catch the wind , assuming polls are correct .


@anon98850436’s analysis from a few months back is not looking great. SF’s problem is they only have one candidate in most constituencies so they can rack up all the votes they want but they have a low ceiling in terms of seat numbers even if they have superlative performance.

42 rings a bell?

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That was what I was thinking too. Maybe they didn’t pitch high enough and go for home run.

A month ago they would have bitten your hand without salt to have 20 seats. Time will tell if these polls manifest themselves in real votes.

Do they have two running in many constituencies? Donegal anyway. They’ll probably get some massive first preference votes but have nobody to transfer them to

And Louth

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Cavan Monaghan and Louth anyway.

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Dublin Mid West where they have 2 seats

They need to sit this one out and properly mobilise for 5 years time.

Their Representatives on a Local & National level are weak in too many Counties.
They need to invest in their Membership & up the Organisation to win an Election.

That and Donegal their best chance of 2 in 1 constituency I would say.

Local politics is parish pump stuff, not relatable to general elections.

They will get two in Louth.

SF will get two in Donegal this time. Not sure about Louth, Fitzpatrick former FG will lose out I think but Nash LAB will be in the hunt and maybe the Greens. Dublin Mid-West is a chance but still difficult. Gino Kenny will compete strongly for a lot of Ward’s vote. Cavan Monaghan looks doable for two seats.

If FF are leading an online poll that’s great news for them


I think I may have reconsidered.

Eh and I think I also mentioned the possibility of FG/SF and then later to include the Greens when some thought that mad.

I remember a former poster who threw up the number of seats about the british election and then changed his mind multiple times before claiming after the election he was right at the start???

God knows what happened that poor divil. He must have lost his mind, went mental on the Twitter one night after too many Tuborg and tweeted Fintan O’Toole and all in sundry about racism on the board…

Heard he was last seen in Sydney sniffing blood from discarded tampons.


A lot of people, rurally especially vote for what they perceive to be best for them locally so Sinn Fein do need to improve their candidates across the country