General Election 2020 Hub

Absolutely. No idea how it would be possible though. There’s also the shy FF vote.

Who was that?

Online ads seem to be very effective with simple folk although in FF potential supporters’ case I’d imagine a lot of them don’t have a computer.

Nash is a fucking lock in my book. Was hoping he’d be decent odds as he wasn’t a sitting td but he opened at odds of 1/5. He’s been all over Louth for the last few years. And he’s a fucking legend for the work. All over workers rights.

I know FF spent the most on online ads but wasn’t it still a relatively meagre amount?

As long as rural people keep inbreeding then FF will keep returning TDs.

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As long as Sinn Fein put up lads who can’t get elected in council elections they won’t return TDs

22k I read this week. I’m not sure what a meagre amount in online advertising terms is though. 22k is a lot less meagre than the effective zero some parties seem to have.

Who are they putting up that can’t get elected in council elections?

Tonight’s Sunday Times Poll

FF 23%;
SF 21%;
FG 19%;
GP 10%;
LP 5%;
SD 5%;
SPBP 5%;
Others 11%;

#GE2020 #togh2020 #SinnFéin #FiannaFáil #FineGael

I backed him at 40/1 when he was a Senator. I expected him to romp home in Fingal, which he did and the rest of FF do shite, which they didn’t! Martin stayed on…

I had the idea of putting €20 on every time I was in the bookies. Had about €250 on him before I thought ah fuck this. I think the dockets are in the drawer beside the bed. Jaysus I’ll go rooting them out in the morning.


Good chance but definitely not a lock. Howlin is the only Labour candidate I’d have down as a cert.

Martin Browne

Johnny Mythen lost out for the last seat in Wexford in 2016 by 31 votes to FG gombeen Paul Kehoe. He lost his county council seat last summer when SF took a bit of a kicking, but he’s a great guy and wonderful representative and he’ll be battling for a seat in Wexford.

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Where’s he running?

Before smart cunts question my accountancy qualification my first bet was €50

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Sure Tipperary only return gombeens.

Tipperary elects local politicians, it doesn’t elect nobodies based on party allegiance. That may be wrong but that’s the way it is

FF 23% is not a stellar figure. I’m applying the FF +4 SF -4 rule to this poll. Greens at 10 is a good figure though I suspect a little high for reality.

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