General Election 2020 Hub

It has a tax cheat top the poll.

The Munster electorate aren’t the brightest.

Aside from the main party headline stuff, that’s a bump up for the Soc Dems and PBP, the latter probably on the back of Boyd-Barrett’s debate performance on Monday.

A word of caution though. It’s an online poll and done by a UK company which hasn’t done one here before.

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Exactly, sure Kerry have been electing a former member of a terrorist organisation for the last 18 years

Terrorist organisation?

Sure effectively all the political parties in Ireland stemmed from a terrorist organisation.

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FG could lose a rake of Dublin seats on that figure. 2 in DL, one in DBS, Rock in DNW, Byrne in DSC, maybe Brophy in DSW, maybe even Farrell in Fingal, and they could fail to retake the seat in Mid West.

I don’t think many current TDs of other parties have been members of a terrorist organisation?

Big health warning alright.

Historically they have.

Rock is fucked. Thank God

I’d confidently say it’s wrong. First time polling :man_shrugging: Online poll :man_shrugging:

The polling companies here spend a lot of time learning to adjust for figures based upon actual voting patterns vs voting intentions. These lads won’t have any of that.

Despite the numbers being suspect, it prob confirms a couple of trends

SF surge
FF faltering
FG becalmed

Labour ?

One of Mcentee or Doherty in Meath East could be in trouble. Actually theres a fair chance neither get in.

I can’t decide whether it would be better for SF to be hyped up in a poll - maybe it could encourage their vote to actually come out in large numbers - or if they’re better off pulling the old IRA trick of sneaking up from behind unseen and then striking.


McEntee will walk in, Doherty is in trouble.

On this poll and a bit of momentum a SF, left wing, green and labour grand coalition could be doable .

Considering Sinn Fein are only running 42 candidates its definitely not doable

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It would need FG. What is possible is a coalition government with around half, or maybe even over half of its members being of the left, ie FG 39, SF 30, Greens 12, maybe a few Soc Dems to top up to 84 or so. That has never happened before or come close to happening.

Who would Farrell lose to? Reilly? There is a seat for FG there?*

Here, sadly.

Up. Hopefully…