General Election 2020 Hub

I think it’s good. A belief in voters that there is a left alternative.

2 FF 1 Green 1 SF 1 LAB?

I think it’s unlikely but not impossible.

Ah ya but it would be interesting if FF and FG combined are less than say 45% they are them combined a minority. If FG get that big a hiding they will probably feel the backbench is the place to be and recover .

Regardless of whatever mixture of parasitic sneaky cunts gets into Government after the election they ALL know they already have a ready made excuse for not following through on any promise. And that is Brexit ye dumb fuckin lemmings


It must be killing sid to be missing all of this

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Hi Sid

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All within margin of error really. SF are still polling way above what they will get and FF well below.
My third time saying it - we will have a John a Costello Taoiseach after this. Martin will have to step aside as a republican will have to be Taoiseach when their members decide they want govt more than Mickey

Fine Gael in trouble anywhere they have two. Michael Creed another Minister under pressure in Cork North West.

Given the coronavirus is about to plunge the world into a global recession this is an election to lose.


**[quote=“ChairmanDan, post:3457, topic:29733, full:true”]

Fine Gael in trouble anywhere they have two. Michael Creed another Minister under pressure in Cork North West.

Pat Deering will be under serious pressure in Carlow. Barely scrape in the last election. Otherwise as you were

You can imagine them all after if the numbers worked out.

We said we’d never go in with Sinn Fein, we at no time said we wouldn’t go in with Sinn Fein and the Greens.

Is Frank Flannery still knocking about giving advice?

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If the youngsters come out and vote, which they don’t, SF will do well abd FG will find themselves in bother.

Look we had said we wouldn’t go in with Sinn Fein but the public have spoken and who are we to argue?

What we’ll see I reckon is eliminated FF or FG candidates getting the other arse cheek final seats in many constituencies. Sean Kyne will get Crowe elected in Galway etc

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Absolutely disasterous video for FG, so fucking stupid. That fucking cunt MM is going to be the next Taoiseach.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a collection of odious cunts in the one place before.


I just checked dockets. €400 at 16/1.

The fucking dockets have faded! One at €150 has seriously fucking faded. They aren’t like the old dockets where you’d keep the proper pen writing, it’s the photocopied ones.

I put most on beside work so I presume they might have a record but I’m guessing the need the bar code.

I’ll have to go in on Monday before the fade anymore.

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