General Election 2020 Hub

We are going to do it in Wexford. Hon Johnny Mythen.


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First house call from an election candidate there. A lovely chat with Aodhán O’Riordain and he even did the obligatory politician thing of lifting my son up in his arms. Aodhán’s back in my good books.


Christ. You’re easily pleased


I just want to be wanted.


You want a kick in the hole is what you want

Did you broach this subject ??

sums up in a nutshell why any political vision in Ireland is so difficult

what is the story\thinking behind the small area where you can make up your own mind on which Healy Rae you give your one and two to?

He has some shower of young scumbag looking lads canvassing with him. He’d be better off without them

That’s Kilgarvin. I suppose they trust the friends to make up their own minds :joy:

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Tom Randles if he still in the land of the living will be canvassing for FG there!

I think FG have, as per usual, completely misjudged the mood of the Irish people and think that distancing themselves from SF is what the people want to see. But really it’s just childish

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Between his pro soccer stance and pro your son stance he’s really nailed your demographic


This is minimum stage 5 stuff.

In other news, I got this “sorry we missed you 01/02” leaflet through the letterbox from the loony green, even though I was sat in my living room and heard him out front. If they can’t be trusted to knock on the door, they can’t be trusted in government.


Michael Moynihan (FF) canvassed the house today. I told them that with severe reservations i would probably give him either no 1 or no 2…the alternative is not voting. The pickings in my constituency are fairly slim. We have the agriculture minister but he is in macroom and I think he is stone useless.

As an aside. If Moynihan gets elected, and he is (a very bad) 1/7 shot to do so he is quite likely to be a minister. How many of you would recognise him or even recall his name being vaguely associated with anything? FF options for front bench are shocking.


Had the same story yesterday with Helen Mcentee, even though she didn’t bother to come herself, sending her lackies who wouldn’t even look at you any other day of the week. A lot of natives not impressed.
Helen and her “lovely girl” act is wearing thin.

What sort of weirdo wants a politician or canvasser to knock on their door.

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