General Election 2020 Hub

I had the misfortune of talking to him at a wake a few years ago, for a politician he’s a seriously contrary miser.

Did he dodge a round ??

The increase in chances of you voting for someone who knocks on your door are massive.

I am thinking of going

1 - Social Democrat
2 - Sinn Fein

And the rest other centre and centre left parties except FG and FF in Dublin bay north but am open to entering into a voting pact to ensure that we get TFK endorsed candidates elected if you have strong leanings.


My top three will be some combo of Sinn Féin / IRA, Soc Dems and Labour. I’ll give any other left leaning candidates a preference, even the hard left headbangers and the mentalists with misspellings all over their literature and whose own families don’t even vote for them. I’ll leave a blank beside Bruton and Noone (FG) and Haughey and Heney (FF).


Why not? If they want the vote they may work for it. They may aswel lie to my face then have some leaflet shoved in the letter box.

Shane Ross knocked on my door last summer.


In fairness, when there was a small bit of anti-social behaviour going on in our area six months ago, Maurice Quinlivan went from door to door and asked sincerely if there was any problems etc. Even though he’s a TD, he works very hard locally and deserves to be re-elected in Limerick city.

To be fair, no issues have occured since either.

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A guy in a hi vis called to my door during the week canvassing for Noel Grealish. He handed me a leaflet and told me Noel was down the street but would be available for a chat if I’d wanted. I politely handed him back his leaflet informing the canvasser that I believed Mr Grealish had a filthy mouth and for this reason I would be declining his offer of a chat. The canvasser said, ‘ah sure that’s the finest’ and off he went into the cold wet night.


I would like to vote soc dem, they’d probably be the best match for me, but they’ve an absolute nobody running in limerick city. Never even held a council seat AFAIK or even ran for one. Pity they couldn’t have found someone with a bit of profile, even outside politics

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If they ran paul o connell or jerry flannery youd be whinging about that as well

You committed to voting for SF earlier in the thread and can’t go back on that.


What were you thinking Quinlavan could do for you about the anti-social behaviour

Did Labour not run Ginger McLoughlin previously and his vote was a huge embarssement?

I thanked him for coming to the door and told him that there was no issues around here.

Personally just think it was notable and worth highlighting as no other TD’s or political parties did the same at the time.

The SF giveaway manifesto put me off, but I’ll probably give him number 1. Not that he’ll need it.

There’s no taking it back now.

FG are having a social media implosion today. Seems that poll overnight has rattled the bejaysus out of them.

Must be some spoofers advising all these parties on marketing/social media. Another bizarre effort


You’re seething