General Election 2020 Hub

Pascal seems a decent enough sort to be fair. The sort of lad it’s hard to feel much outrage at anyway.

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Wouldnt trust him though.

I’ve been around long enough not to seethe about things I cannot control.

Part of me is curious to see what a proper left wing government would do to Ireland. It’s SF election to lose from here. They’ll have to go into government if the polls are right. Most likely with FF.

I was chatting to a lad yesterday who is very well paid. He was considering voting SF as he is frustrated at how expensive houses are. On the other hand he said things are also fairly good.

I think worse case scenario FF and FG will have to go in together and then we’ll at least have a real opposition

Gerry is only having the lols… FG have a series of orchestrated PR stunts on the go, and they are failing.

All they seem to be doing is encouraging FF transfers to SF and vice versa. ‘Tis strange.


Assume there will be a few opinion polls in the Sunday paper’s tomorrow

He’s fairly good at his job as well

Red C tomorrow has FF 24, SF 24 FG 21. According to our favorite journo in the Amazon

Leo’s fairly good showing in the debates hasn’t seemed to have helped at all

FG had a few tweets yesterday highlighting how much better off families would be under their new plans. Think it was saying a family with two incomes of 50k each and 2 children under 5 would be 10k per year better off by 2025.

Jesus that would make it incredibly interesting. FF and FG still attacking each other about SF. The fools. The fools. The fools.


Looking like Sinn Fein haven’t ran enough candidates, it won’t translate locally for them

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If they spend the next debate slagging off SF it will be good news for SF. I think mlm absence and the shinners faux outrage over same has really benefited them with a public who are sick of the cronyism of FFG

We’ll go into partnership this time and take over completely in 5 years time.

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The interesting thing about that poll is it would suggest SF have eaten into FF vote. Maybe that’s why they have been so ratty with each other. Even less clear what a government would be …

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They have left us our fenians

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Wonder how this translates to votes. Red C polls had SF at 20 per cent in 2016 and they got 14 at GE. This does feel different.

FG tend to also over perform in polls. FF tend to underperform. Hard to know how next government gets made up if FF and SF won’t deal.

SF will get 21 seats.

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